Quotes from Bitter Blood

Rachel Caine ·  404 pages

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“--I lifted one foot from the brackish water, and the bunny slippers were soaked and drooped pathetically. Even the fangs seemed robbed of any charm.

"Don't worry," I told it. "Someone will pay for your suffering. Heavily. With screaming."

I felt I should repeat it for the other slipper, in case there should be any bad feelings between the two. One should never create tension between ones's footwear.

--POV is Myrnin, page 221”
― Rachel Caine, quote from Bitter Blood

“In an insane world, sanity made very little sense.”
― Rachel Caine, quote from Bitter Blood

“Did you bring me a hamburger?
Did I-No,Myrnin,I didn't bring you a hamburger.Bizarre.He'd never asked for that before.
It's late.
What good are you then?”
― Rachel Caine, quote from Bitter Blood

“It's not your enemies who are likeliest to hurt you. It is, always, those you trust.”
― Rachel Caine, quote from Bitter Blood

“Ah, Morganville. Where dressing to hide bloodstains was just good daily planning.”
― Rachel Caine, quote from Bitter Blood

“Knowing Myrnin, there could be anything inside, from a body he'd forgotten about to his dirty laundry.”
― Rachel Caine, quote from Bitter Blood

“I knew you'd come,Claire.I knew you would.Dear God,you took your time.”
― Rachel Caine, quote from Bitter Blood

“Well," Claire said, "at least we have tacos. Everything goes better with tacos.”
― Rachel Caine, quote from Bitter Blood

“Stop being so..."
"I'm going with arrogant.”
― Rachel Caine, quote from Bitter Blood

“I had no name for that particular hue of orange, other than unfortunate.”
― Rachel Caine, quote from Bitter Blood

“This won't stop her from getting elected," Shane said. "Stupider people get elected all the time. It's America. We love the sleazy. And the crazy." "I would like to think better of us," Claire said, "but yeah. You're right.”
― Rachel Caine, quote from Bitter Blood

“You know," I said to Michael, "my girlfriend took him down with a broken tree branch." "Too bad she isn't here," he said.”
― Rachel Caine, quote from Bitter Blood

“I'm your worst damn nightmare, Skeletor. I'm a vampire killer with fangs and a grudge.”
― Rachel Caine, quote from Bitter Blood

“One should never create tension between one's footwear.”
― Rachel Caine, quote from Bitter Blood

“When things seem calmest, that is the time you should fear the most, it's when you have the most to lose.”
― Rachel Caine, quote from Bitter Blood

“My vampire boss, who would like to maybe be my boyfriend, just dropped in to tell me he was running away because Morganville’s too dangerous.”
― Rachel Caine, quote from Bitter Blood

“I felt I should repeat it for the other slipper, in case there should be any bad feelings between the two. One should never create tension between one's footwear.”
― Rachel Caine, quote from Bitter Blood

“In an insane world, sanity made very little sense. No one expected me to live, and therefore, I did. Always.”
― Rachel Caine, quote from Bitter Blood

“Best to flee now, before the pitchforks and torches and scientists come calling.”
― Rachel Caine, quote from Bitter Blood

“Gear up, Warrior Princess. We've got some adventuring to do.”
― Rachel Caine, quote from Bitter Blood

“Are the two of you quite done with your sweet nothings? Because I might vomit.”
― Rachel Caine, quote from Bitter Blood

“A disrespectful young woman," she said. "Something I was called more than once. Something every woman of quality is called sooner or later, by a man who feels they do not know their place. As we do not, because our place is as lofty as we may aspire to climb. It is the language of men who fear women.”
― Rachel Caine, quote from Bitter Blood

“Myrnin froze, staring at her. He really was amazing, she thought; when he had that light in his eyes, it was possible to see past the crazy behavior and clothing chaos and recognize him as just…beautiful. The longing in his face was breathtaking.”
― Rachel Caine, quote from Bitter Blood

“Clarity confused me. I was far less forgiving and kind than the general state of disconnection in which I liked to live.”
― Rachel Caine, quote from Bitter Blood

“This won't stop her from getting elected...Stupider people get elected all the time. It's America. We love the sleazy. And the crazy.”
― Rachel Caine, quote from Bitter Blood

“He stepped forward and took both her hands in his cool ones. For a moment, she thought he intended to kiss her, and for a panicked moment she wasn’t sure if she ought to stop him, wanted to stop him…but then he just touched his forehead to hers and held it there.”
― Rachel Caine, quote from Bitter Blood

“My, if I didn't loathe her so much, I'd admire her.”
― Rachel Caine, quote from Bitter Blood

“Don't worry...Someone will pay for your suffering. Heavily. With screaming.”
― Rachel Caine, quote from Bitter Blood

“I never did have much, so having it rough came with the territory. I was conditioned for it.”
― Rachel Caine, quote from Bitter Blood

About the author

Rachel Caine
Born place: in The United States
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