Quotes from Beyond the Kingdoms

Chris Colfer ·  433 pages

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“Maybe greatness isn't about being immortal, or glorious, or popular - it's about choosing to fight for the greater good of the world, even when the world's turned its back on you.”
― Chris Colfer, quote from Beyond the Kingdoms

“It’s better to be the hero of your own story than to become the villain of someone else’s.”
― Chris Colfer, quote from Beyond the Kingdoms

“Some days words flow through me like the Nile, and other days I’m as dry as the Sahara. I’m afraid you’ve caught me in the middle of a drought, but I’m confident rain shall fall again.”
― Chris Colfer, quote from Beyond the Kingdoms

“When you meet the person you’re meant to be with, everything changes – you don’t feel like you’re fighting the world alone anymore.”
― Chris Colfer, quote from Beyond the Kingdoms

“After a few moments, her eyes became as glossy as his and she also spoke in complete nonsense. “Who are you?” Mother Goose asked the caterpillar. “What I am,” he said. “Where are you?” she said. “Here with you,” the caterpillar said. “And if this were the Castle of Hearts?” Mother Goose asked. “We’d be there,” he said. “But where?” she asked. “In the castle,” he said. “Ah, so there would be here,” she said, and they nodded together. “Here would be what’s left.” The caterpillar nodded. “Am I what’s left?” she asked. “You’re what’s right, of course.” “But what’s right is wrong.” “And what’s left is right.” “I understand completely,” Mother Goose said. “Thank you so much, Mr. Caterpillar.” The others stared at them absolutely dumbfounded. Mother Goose hopped down from the mushroom and moseyed back to them. “The caterpillar said to go back to the fork and take a left,” she said. “He did?” Alex asked. “It’s all about the keywords,” Mother Goose said. “I used to be friends with a sultan who enjoyed the hookah, too. Lester, I’m going to need you to carry me the rest of the way – I’m awfully tired.”
― Chris Colfer, quote from Beyond the Kingdoms

“Yesterday, Jack told me I looked beautiful and I punched him.”
― Chris Colfer, quote from Beyond the Kingdoms

“You’ve destroyed our tavern!” she yelled. “You’ll pay for this!” “Bill us,” Conner said,”
― Chris Colfer, quote from Beyond the Kingdoms

“What if every story ever told was just a realm waiting to be discovered? Perhaps happiness isn’t the only thing you were meant to provide keys for.”
― Chris Colfer, quote from Beyond the Kingdoms

“stood in a window that was so large, a ship could sail through it. She had chosen to occupy this bedroom at the giant’s castle because of this very window and the beautiful view of the stars it had at night. Also, it was the farthest bedroom from Mother Goose’s room and the only place you couldn’t hear her snoring.”
― Chris Colfer, quote from Beyond the Kingdoms

“Let’s just follow the Boy Scouts from Hades and hope for the best.”
― Chris Colfer, quote from Beyond the Kingdoms

“After a few moments, her eyes became as glossy as his and she also spoke in complete nonsense. “Who are you?” Mother Goose asked the caterpillar. “What I am,” he said. “Where are you?” she said. “Here with you,” the caterpillar said. “And if this were the Castle of Hearts?” Mother Goose asked. “We’d be there,” he said. “But where?” she asked. “In the castle,” he said. “Ah, so there would be here,” she said, and they nodded together. “Here would be what’s left.” The caterpillar nodded. “Am I what’s left?” she asked. “You’re what’s right, of course.” “But what’s right is wrong.” “And what’s left is right.” “I understand completely,” Mother Goose said. “Thank you so much, Mr. Caterpillar.” The others stared at them absolutely dumbfounded. Mother Goose hopped down from the mushroom and moseyed back to them.”
― Chris Colfer, quote from Beyond the Kingdoms

“Are you sure this is what you want?” Alex asked. “You were just telling me you wanted a new adventure – this sounds like you’re settling down.” “Merlin is my next adventure,” she said. “I’ve never known someone who makes me excited just to wake up in the morning. I don’t look at the world and feel useless anymore, because I know I mean the world to him. He’s lived as long as I have, made just as many mistakes, and still has all his original teeth – I’m never going to find another man like him! I probably sound like an old loon, but one day you’ll understand. When you meet the person you’re meant to be with, everything changes – you don’t feel like you’re fighting the world alone anymore.”
― Chris Colfer, quote from Beyond the Kingdoms

“maybe greatness isn’t about being immortal, or glorious, or popular – it’s about choosing to fight for the greater good of the world, even when the world’s turned its back on you.”
― Chris Colfer, quote from Beyond the Kingdoms

“Oooo, what is that?” Red yelled when she saw the palace. “That’s Buckingham Palace,” Alex said. “It’s where the monarchy resides.” Red was mesmerized. “What a stylish and tasteful place! Look at that beautiful statue out front of it in the middle of the street! That looks exactly like the statue I wanted to build in celebration of Charlie’s and my wedding!” Red left the others and flew down to the gate. She peered through the bars at the palace in delight. She had to hang on to the bars tightly because the fairy dust was making her drift back to the sky. One of the palace guards on duty saw Red and stared at her in disbelief. It wasn’t every day he saw a floating woman at the gate. “Yoo-hoo!” Red called to him. “I just love your hat! Please tell the current monarch that Queen Red of the Center Kingdom says hello —” Conner flew to the gate and pulled Red’s hands off the bars. “Red, come on. You’re gonna get left behind!”
― Chris Colfer, quote from Beyond the Kingdoms

“We are all but characters in the books of God's library.”
― Chris Colfer, quote from Beyond the Kingdoms

“She had to hang on to the bars tightly because the fairy dust was making her drift back to the sky.”
― Chris Colfer, quote from Beyond the Kingdoms

“An intriguing thought came to her as she looked around: She had spent too much time guessing how to make her son happy. What if her son’s biggest dream was floating around the Hall of Dreams? If she peered into it, maybe she would discover how to help him. The Fairy Godmother raised her wand and waved it in a quick circle. All the orbs in the Hall of Dreams instantly froze. Only one large orb in the distance kept moving. It floated toward her and landed in her hands. She peered inside it, anxious”
― Chris Colfer, quote from Beyond the Kingdoms

“If there’s one thing life is good at, it’s surprising you,” Jack said. “And sometimes it surprises you in the best ways.”
― Chris Colfer, quote from Beyond the Kingdoms

“It’s such a shame,” Red said, shaking her head as she searched the ground. “The people you depend on and trust always disappoint you the most.”
― Chris Colfer, quote from Beyond the Kingdoms

“It's Better To Be The Hero In Your Own Story Than To Become The Villain In Someone Else's
― Chris Colfer, quote from Beyond the Kingdoms

“Alex and Conner looked at each other, thinking the same thing—they weren’t going to get rid of him. Rather than spending time arguing, the twins went right into forming the next phase of their own plan. “One of us needs to stay in Neverland and look after the books,” Alex said. “Who’s it going to be this time?” The twins, the Tin Woodman, Mother Goose, and Lester all turned to Red. Her eyes grew large and her whole body tightened—every part of her rejected the idea. “Don’t even think about it,” Red said. “I’m not staying on this island.” “Red, I don’t mean to sound rude, but you’re the least useful in the group,” Conner said. “We need you to stay here and make sure nothing happens to the books.” “These savages have already shot me,” Red said, and pointed at the Lost Boys. “What do you think they’ll do to me when I’m alone?” “Red, I promise you’ll be safer here than in Wonderland,” Alex said. Red couldn’t believe her ears. She might as well have been persuaded to walk off a cliff. The twins didn’t give her any more chance to argue. Before she knew it, Conner was handing her their copy of Peter Pan as if the decision was final. “Boys, I order you to listen to Miss Red,” Peter instructed. “I want you to protect her and make her very comfortable while we’re away. Treat her like you would your own mother.” The Lost Boys were very excited by this idea. Red looked like she was going to be sick. “Yes, sir!” Tootles said, and saluted Peter. “Now just wait one minute! Am I supposed to sleep in the jungle?” Red asked, but none of her friends were listening anymore. “Of”
― Chris Colfer, quote from Beyond the Kingdoms

“This place is nuts!” Conner said.”
― Chris Colfer, quote from Beyond the Kingdoms

“We’ll take the path to the right and ask the first person, plant, or animal we see.”
― Chris Colfer, quote from Beyond the Kingdoms

“The Portal Potion Success! After weeks and weeks of trying, I’ve finally discovered the correct ingredients for the potion I’d hoped to create for my son! With just a few drops, the potion turns any written work into a portal to the world it describes. Even with my ability to create portals to and from the Otherworld, I never thought it would be possible to create a substance that allowed me passage to any world I wished. My son will get to see the places and meet the characters he’s spent his whole childhood dreaming about! And best of all, I’ll get to watch his happiness soar as it happens! The ingredients are much simpler than I imagined, but difficult to obtain. Their purposes are more metaphysical than practical, so it took some imagination to get the concoction right. The first requirement is a branch from the oldest tree in the woods. To bring the pages to life, I figured the potion would need the very thing that brought the paper to life in the first place. And what else has more life than an ancient tree? The second ingredient is a feather from the finest pheasant in the sky. This will guarantee your potion has no limits, like a bird in flight. It will ensure you can travel to lands far and wide, beyond your imagination. The third component is a liquefied lock and key that belonged to a true love. Just as this person unlocked your heart to a life of love, it will open the door of the literary dimensions your heart desires to experience. The fourth ingredient is two weeks of moonlight. Just as the moon causes waves in the ocean, the moonlight will stir your potion to life. Last, but most important, give the potion a spark of magic to activate all the ingredients. Send it a beam of joy straight from your heart. The potion does not work on any biographies or history books, but purely on works that have been imagined. Now, I must warn about the dangers of entering a fictional world: 1. Time only exists as long as the story continues. Be sure to leave the book before the story ends, or you may disappear as the story concludes. 2. Each world is made of only what the author describes. Do not expect the characters to have any knowledge of our world or the Otherworld. 3. Beware of the story’s villains. Unlike people in our world or the Otherworld, most literary villains are created to be heartless and stripped of all morals, so do not expect any mercy should you cross paths with one. 4. The book you choose to enter will act as your entrance and exit. Be certain nothing happens to it; it is your only way out. The”
― Chris Colfer, quote from Beyond the Kingdoms

“Hans?” the Fairy Godmother said. “Can you remember what made you happy when you were a young boy?” It didn’t take him long to remember. “Places like this promenade,” he said. “Why?” she asked. “It’s a place of unlimited possibility,” he said. “At any moment, anyone or anything could appear. A parade could march through the field, a flock of birds from a tropical land could fly across the skies, or a king from a distant country could sail through the waters on a massive ship. I suppose any child is happiest wherever his imagination is stimulated.” “Interesting,” she said.”
― Chris Colfer, quote from Beyond the Kingdoms

“So maybe greatness isn’t about being immortal, or glorious, or popular – it’s about choosing to fight for the greater good of the world, even when the world’s turned its back on you.”
― Chris Colfer, quote from Beyond the Kingdoms

About the author

Chris Colfer
Born place: in Clovis, California, The United States
Born date May 27, 1990
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