Quotes from Awaken

Meg Cabot ·  343 pages

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“I can't kill someone!"
"You hit your brother in the head with a fire extinguisher."
"But that was family! And I didn't kill him.”
― Meg Cabot, quote from Awaken

“Yes, storms are damaging, but we need them because they clear away the bracken that prevents new flowers from having a chance to grow. And of course we need the sun to shine on those new flowers that without the storm might never have had a chance to bloom.”
― Meg Cabot, quote from Awaken

“Kayla snatched the ruby-coloured bra he'd dug out from behind his back. "You should know, you're the one who got it off me," she said.”
― Meg Cabot, quote from Awaken

“...everyone's too busy having a good time to care about anyone else."
"This sucks," Alex said sullenly. "If someone murders you and you get revived and come back to wreak vengeance on your killers, they could at least have the decency to notice you.”
― Meg Cabot, quote from Awaken

“Yes, I'm sorry you won't be coming with us," Chloe said to Alex. "But please don't worry. I'm certain The Lord has another plan for you." She glanced at me. "For both of you."
"Oh, I can assure you,"said a new, deeply masculine voice from behind me. I turned to see John sitting, tall and dark and disapproving, on the back of his horse, Alastor. "He does."
"Chloe wasn't talking about you," I said to John, leaning my elbows against the rough wood of the dock railing. "She meant the other lord."
John raised a dark eyebrow. "Oh, that one," he said. "My mistake.”
― Meg Cabot, quote from Awaken

“In everyday life, we’re given a choice. Do the right thing, do nothing, or do the wrong thing. All too often, people choose to do nothing. And that’s all right. It’s easier. Sometimes it’s difficult to know what’s right and what’s wrong. But every so often, a few people choose to go out of their way to do the right thing”
― Meg Cabot, quote from Awaken

“John lowered the book he'd been reading.
"Im sorry. Were you speaking to me?"
"I know you were listening, " I said in disgust, taking the book from him and tossing it over the side of the bed. "You couldn't possibly have been reading that. You were holding it upside down.”
― Meg Cabot, quote from Awaken

“Tassels," I said in disgust.
Alex, too, was turned in his seat.
"You guys," he said. "He's still moving."
Disappointed, I said, "Kayla, back up over him.”
― Meg Cabot, quote from Awaken

“She went to the most expensive private girls' school in Connecticut. All they taught her there was how to fold doilies."
Pointedly ignoring Alex, I said to John, "I'm sure if you show me, I'll catch on."
"Excellent."John's gaze on me was warm. "Then later perhaps you could show me how to fold doilies.”
― Meg Cabot, quote from Awaken

“Cabrero, kayla said, narrowing her eyes at Alex." If you do that one more time, I will take this book from you and hit you with it till you're dead. Again.”
― Meg Cabot, quote from Awaken

“Your boyfriend dive into, like, three feet of water. He didn't come up, either.He is probably drowned or turned into a merman. Honestly, I don't know which would be worse. ..”
― Meg Cabot, quote from Awaken

“Grandma being possessed by a murderous demon from hell makes perfect sense to me,”
― Meg Cabot, quote from Awaken

“ts very simple. In everyday life, we're given a choice. Do the right thing, do nothing, or do the wrong thing. All too often, people choose to do nothing. And that's all right and what's wrong. Sometimes it's difficult to know what's right and what's wrong. But every so often, a few people choose to go out of their way to do the right thing.”
― Meg Cabot, quote from Awaken

About the author

Meg Cabot
Born place: in Bloomington, Indiana, The United States
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