Quotes from All He Needs

C.C. Gibbs ·  432 pages

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“I suppose your boobs are all squished under that green lace, your nipples crushed. They’re going to need some consolation. I’ll suck on them until they’re happy again. And then afterwards, when your nipples are stiff and throbbing and wondering if that’s all there is, I’ll give them something else to think about. I’ll spread your legs wide open and put my hard dick inside you so slowly you’ll be begging me to shove it in. But I won’t – I’ll make you wait until I give you permission to come.”
― C.C. Gibbs, quote from All He Needs

“You make me insanely happy, baby, but bite me that hard again,’ he said with a grin, licking the blood off his bottom lip, ‘and you’ll get the spanking of your life.”
― C.C. Gibbs, quote from All He Needs

“Unlike you,’ she said pointedly, ‘some men understand a refusal.’
His mouth firmed, but he held his tongue, not about to mention that she almost never meant no when she said it.
‘I see,’ he said tersely.”
― C.C. Gibbs, quote from All He Needs

“He exhaled softly. ‘What do you want me to say?’
‘How about the truth?’
‘Then I’ll be fucking someone else. Satisfied?’
It was amazing how much it hurt to hear him say that. To think of him with another woman. To consider life without him...”
― C.C. Gibbs, quote from All He Needs

“Christ, dealing with you is like rewriting The fucking Art of War,’ he grumbled...”
― C.C. Gibbs, quote from All He Needs

“Kate pointed at a cling-film-wrapped salad that was marked: Do Not Microwave. ‘She’s not sure you know not to heat a salad?’ Dominic rolled his eyes. ‘I did once and Patty’s never forgotten. That I was stoned out of my mind at the time apparently wasn’t excuse enough for her.”
― C.C. Gibbs, quote from All He Needs

“Need a brush?’
‘You tell me.’
‘Nah, that FF look is hot.’
He smiled. ‘Freshly fucked.”
― C.C. Gibbs, quote from All He Needs

“Tell me they’re mine,’ he said quietly. ‘And I’ll let you come.”
― C.C. Gibbs, quote from All He Needs

“He smiled. ‘Since when did you get shy?’
She ran her fingers through her copper curls in a quick restive gesture, then stared at him. ‘That’s kinda personal.’
‘Unlike fucking.’
‘Hey, keep it up and—’
‘You couldn’t do it, babe. Honestly. You need it more than I do.’
‘Maybe I could.’
‘And maybe I could find religion , but I wouldn’t bet on it. So, can I get back to my plan? It’ll make you real happy – guaranteed.”
― C.C. Gibbs, quote from All He Needs

“Fucking A. Hell can do without me for a while. And I’m going to make you feel so good you won’t even think about leaving.”
― C.C. Gibbs, quote from All He Needs

“As rash as he, she capitulated with indecent speed, gave herself up to his plundering mouth and tongue, wanting what he wanted, wanting more. Wanting his love; wanting what she could never have.”
― C.C. Gibbs, quote from All He Needs

“He preferred the familiar world of sex and more sex. That was his comfort zone.”
― C.C. Gibbs, quote from All He Needs

“There’s no such thing as an emergency unless I’m losing every penny I have. That’s my only red line, OK? Nothing else fucking qualifies. Not. One. Goddamn. Thing.”
― C.C. Gibbs, quote from All He Needs

“She had Dominic now, and tomorrow, perhaps longer. So carpe diem – until she ran out of road.”
― C.C. Gibbs, quote from All He Needs

“And I played football so I knocked a few heads around there, but nothing out of the ordinary. I played baseball too but that’s not a contact sport.’ No way he was going to mention the endless sex – which was a contact sport.”
― C.C. Gibbs, quote from All He Needs

“Property of Dominic Knight was engraved in a large font. Return for Reward was in a smaller script but easily visible too.”
― C.C. Gibbs, quote from All He Needs

“He slid his index finger inside her for a quick check; nothing distracted her like sex. And he’d had enough touchy-feely talk for one night.”
― C.C. Gibbs, quote from All He Needs

“Jesus, that master of the universe never goes away, does he?’
‘What the hell do you expect?’ he said, his voice no longer mellow or casual or weary in his mildly contemptuous way, but suddenly razor-sharp.
‘You think I’m going to change ? You think that hot sex with you is going to alter my life? Burn away thirty-two fucking years of encoded distrust and the poisonous shadow…”
― C.C. Gibbs, quote from All He Needs

“She wasn’t sure her independence would survive against the full onslaught of his wilfulness. But she loved him – anyway and every way.” Dominic wasn’t the only one who subscribed to a what the fuck philosophy.”
― C.C. Gibbs, quote from All He Needs

“After a lifetime of docile women, he didn’t actually mind her intransigence. He liked the challenge. But then he was on the distant shore of fucked-up.
‘Let me file that away,’ he murmured sardonically , ‘for future reference. Right now, I’m waiting. He’s waiting. Move.”
― C.C. Gibbs, quote from All He Needs

“And she gave herself up to him body and soul, responding to his disarming affection, the bounty of his indefatigable dick, and as always to his arresting strength and beauty. He was her temptation and deliverance. He was her life.”
― C.C. Gibbs, quote from All He Needs

“First, I don’t love you kindly, like some Jane Austen heroine who’s going to pine away if you leave. I’ll find someone else. Everyone does. But right now, right this minute, I love you like I’m on fire, or in the eye of a hurricane; I love you wildly, maybe even violently. I’m not a Bets, whatever her deal is. Don’t get me wrong, I’d miss you like hell. I did last time. But I wouldn’t have come after you. I just wouldn’t. If you don’t want me, I figure it’s your loss.”

Excerpt From: Gibbs, C C. “Knight's Game.” Quercus, 2013-06-27T07:00:00+00:00. iBooks.
This material may be protected by copyright.”
― C.C. Gibbs, quote from All He Needs

“Think about it—okay? That’s what he does. By the grace of God you came out of your screwed-up family in one piece. Dominic didn’t.”
― C.C. Gibbs, quote from All He Needs


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