Quotes from Adorkable

Sarra Manning ·  387 pages

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“The Ad♥rkable Manifesto

1. We have nothing to declare but our dorkiness.
2. Jumble sales are our shopping malls.
3. Better to make cookies than be a cookie-cutter.
4. Suffering doesn’t necessarily improve you but it does give you something to blog about.
5. Experiment with Photoshop, hair dye, nail polish and cupcake flavours but never drugs.
6. Don’t follow leaders, be one.
7. Necessity is the mother of customisation.
8. Puppies make everything better.
9. Quiet girls rarely make history.
10. Never shield your oddness, but wear your oddness like a shield.”
― Sarra Manning, quote from Adorkable

“You are bad and mean and I'm going to spit on your cupcakes.”
― Sarra Manning, quote from Adorkable

“Generation Y are everything you feared. They’re everything your worst nightmares conjured up. They’re lazy, apathetic, unoriginal, scared of innovation, scared of difference, just plain scared. They binge drink. The confuse sex for intimacy. They definitely couldn’t tell you the capital cities of more than five countries. And they really think that Justin Bieber is the Second Coming. Only fifty per cent of Generation Y own more than two books and, yes, they listen to music, but they download it from the internet because content is free, yo. Want, take, have is their battle cry. Ladies and gentlemen, this is my generation and my generation is royally screwed up.”
― Sarra Manning, quote from Adorkable

“Because, when everything else is gone, all we're left with is our imaginations.”
― Sarra Manning, quote from Adorkable

“Dorkdom isn't something you can choose. It's something you are. But instead of dividing the world up into dorkside and darkside, I've realised that we all have a little bit of dork inside us.”
― Sarra Manning, quote from Adorkable

“You're in my light and this is my special spot so go away.”
― Sarra Manning, quote from Adorkable

“Can this really call itself a cake when its main ingredients are cheese and carrots?”
― Sarra Manning, quote from Adorkable

“When will being independent and strong and not following the pack and daring to be different and being brave in my opinions, my fashion choices and my hair colour be enough?”
― Sarra Manning, quote from Adorkable

“I was rolling my eyes so hard that I was sure one of my retinas had just detached itself”
― Sarra Manning, quote from Adorkable

“People were so scared of telling the truth because the truth was chaotic and complicated and decidedly uncool, but uncool was the way I rolled. Or it would be if I used tired old phrases like 'That's the way I roll', which I so don't.”
― Sarra Manning, quote from Adorkable

“That was the deal with the really good-looking boys: they automatically assumed you were pining and panting for them and wouldn’t be satisfied until you’d had their babies, no matter how ugly their personalities might be.”
― Sarra Manning, quote from Adorkable

“Adorkable is a freeform, loose-knit, organic network of like-minded souls who might get pushed to the ground for the way we think and the way we look and because we’re not afraid of who we are, but my God we’re looking up at the stars.”
― Sarra Manning, quote from Adorkable

“And as the recession continues and our prospects look bleaker and bleaker, I’m excited. I look to the past to see what our future will be like. And in times of economic hardship and harsh governments, of pointless wars and mass unemployment, there was pop art and there was punk, there was hip hop and grafitti, there was acid house and riot grrrl. There was art and music and books that could bring you to your knees with their utter perfection. Because, when everything else is gone, all we’re left with is our imaginations.”
― Sarra Manning, quote from Adorkable

“And being alone and being lonely were two different things but they felt exactly the same: they felt horrible.”
― Sarra Manning, quote from Adorkable

“He didn't say anything and I thought I'd shocked him, because I tend to do that. Not just with Michael but with pretty much anyone who can't deal with being honest and admitting that you have wants and needs and desires and all those other fun things.”
― Sarra Manning, quote from Adorkable

“But I had to admit that maybe the reason I'd had a meltdown wasn't just about the shower. I think the shower door was, like, a metaphor. It represented everything that was bad.”
― Sarra Manning, quote from Adorkable

“So, you know what? I'm not ready to write Gen Y off just yet and neither should you, because I think we're going to grow up just fine. Yeah, it pains me to admit it, but the kids are all right.”
― Sarra Manning, quote from Adorkable

“Michael Lee was the sun, moon and stars, maybe even the whole bloody solar system, as far as his family were concerned. No wonder he was so arrogant.”
― Sarra Manning, quote from Adorkable

“I wasn’t sure how I’d gone from feeling sorry towards Jeane to baiting her into a full-on strop-attack. It was just she was so full of bullshit and someone needed to call her on it and … and … she reacted so beautifully. You just lit the fuse, stood well back and watched her explode.”
― Sarra Manning, quote from Adorkable

About the author

Sarra Manning
Born place: England, The United Kingdom
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