Quotes from The Last Don

Mario Puzo ·  498 pages

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“What is past is past. never go back. Not for excuses. Not for justification, not for happiness. You are what you are, the world is what it is.”
― Mario Puzo, quote from The Last Don

“Power isn't everything ...its the only thing.”
― Mario Puzo, quote from The Last Don

“Never show anger at slight,Tell nothing.Earn Respect from everyone by deeds,not Words.Respect the members of your Blood Family.Gambling was Recreation,Not a way to earn a Living.Love your Father,your Mother,
your Sister but beware of Loving any other Woman than your Wife.And a Wife was a woman who bore your Children.And once that happened to You,your Life was Forfeit to give them their daily bread”
― Mario Puzo, quote from The Last Don

“Life is like a box of Hand grenades,You never know what will blow you to kingdom come”
― Mario Puzo, quote from The Last Don

“Oh, what a wicked world it is that drives a man to sin.”
― Mario Puzo, quote from The Last Don

“The truth now.He was disappointed in human beings.He had seen too many betrayals,too many pitiful weaknesses,too much greed for money and fame.The falseness between lovers,husbands and wifes,fathers,sons,mothers,daughters”
― Mario Puzo, quote from The Last Don

“Actions defined a man; words were a fart in the wind.”
― Mario Puzo, quote from The Last Don

“She cannot return your love. She does not live in our world. She does not even live in the world of animals. She lives on a different star, absolutely alone.”
― Mario Puzo, quote from The Last Don

“Everyone is responsible for everything he does”
― Mario Puzo, quote from The Last Don

“The don knew that love is not a reliable emotion to matter how deep. Love does not ensure gratitude, does not ensure obedience, does not provide harmony in so difficult a world. No one understood this better than Don Clericuzio. To inspire true love, one also had to be feared. Love alone was contemptible, it was nothing if it did not also include trust and obedience. What good was love to him if it did not acknowledge his rule?”
― Mario Puzo, quote from The Last Don

“Nekad neuztraucies par naudu. Domā par slavu.”
― Mario Puzo, quote from The Last Don

“Bija prieks atkal pievērsties rakstīšanai ar galvu, kas skaidra no kokaīna un patiesas mīlestības.”
― Mario Puzo, quote from The Last Don

“The world is what it is, and you are what you are.”
― Mario Puzo, quote from The Last Don

“Viņas īstā dzīve bija lomas, ko viņa tēloja, viņa jutās dzīvāka, kad iedvesa dzīvību savos tēlos, nēsāja tos sevī, kamēr pati dzīvoja savu parasto dzīvi.”
― Mario Puzo, quote from The Last Don

“Vīriešiem sekss vajadzīgs, lai sagatavotos doties kaujā ar pašapziņu. Sievietēm sekss vajadzīgs zaudējuma bēdu remdēšanai vai kā daļa no uzvaras gandarījuma.”
― Mario Puzo, quote from The Last Don

“Es rīkojos kā man ir vislabāk. Un vislabāk ir būt vienkāršam. Pavisam, pavisam vienkāršam. Un, kad vajag ko īpašu, tam jābūt pavisam, pavisam īpašam.”
― Mario Puzo, quote from The Last Don

“Bet, ak vai, cik ļauna bija pasaule, kas lika cilvēkam grēkot.”
― Mario Puzo, quote from The Last Don

“People change, they have faulty memories, gratitude for past generosities fades.”
― Mario Puzo, quote from The Last Don

“Chẳng có gì khó hiểu, khi những kẻ chạy theo đồng tiền hơn đam mê nghệ thuật lại kéo dài được sự nghiệp hơn, thành những người đáng giá trong xã hội, hơn hẳn những nghệ sĩ cố gắng trình bày cái tia sáng thánh thiện của con người. Đáng buồn là người ta không thể dựng một cuốn phim về những điều đó, về cái điều đồng tiền đáng quí hơn nghệ thuật và tình yêu. Nhưng nếu cuốn phim được làm thì cũng chẳng ai mua.”
― Mario Puzo, quote from The Last Don

“What’s past is past,” Gronevelt said. “Never go back. Not for excuses. Not for justification, not for happiness. You are what you are, the world is what it is.”  ”
― Mario Puzo, quote from The Last Don

“Is It possible to live in such a world where everyone does what he pleases? No one is punished by God or man and no one has to earn a living? Are there such women who follow every whim? Men such foolish weaklings, who succumb to every little desire, every little dream of happiness? Where are the honest husbands who work to earn their bread, who think of the best ways to protect their children from fate and the cruel world? Where are the people who understand a piece of cheese, a glass of wine, a warm house at the end of the day is reward enough? Who are these people who yearn for some mysterious happiness? What an uproar they make of life, what tragedies they brew up out of nothing.”
― Mario Puzo, quote from The Last Don

“(...) jak właściwie należało żyć - szczęśliwie czy moralnie?”
― Mario Puzo, quote from The Last Don

“A man's primary duty in life is to earn his own living, but to what purpose if he did not have a wife and children?”
― Mario Puzo, quote from The Last Don

About the author

Mario Puzo
Born place: in Manhattan, New York, The United States
Born date October 15, 1920
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