Quotes from The Goddess Inheritance

Aimee Carter ·  303 pages

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“Sadness doesn't equal weakness, sweetheart. If anything, it shows the love you have inside of you, and nothing stronger in this world exists.”
― Aimee Carter, quote from The Goddess Inheritance

“I see the sunrise now," he said. "Because of you, the days have color. Eternity has meaning once more. You found every broken piece of me and put me back together, even though I hurt you too many times for me to deserve it. You are the glue that holds me together. If I lose you, it will be the end of me. The end of everything good in this world.”
― Aimee Carter, quote from The Goddess Inheritance

“I figured Henry might smite me if I went through your underwear.”
― Aimee Carter, quote from The Goddess Inheritance

“Live this love now," I whispered. "And never stop.”
― Aimee Carter, quote from The Goddess Inheritance

“You are my life.” Though his words were barely a whisper, they seemed to echo from somewhere deep within him, enveloping my body and infusing me with something unshakable. “There is nothing I would not do to make you happy. Before I met you, my world was a string of days that were gray and empty. I had nothing to look forward to, and I cannot tell you what it was like, facing down eternity alone. Every day I wished for you. Every day I held on in hopes that eventually we would meet. And when I finally found you...”
He leaned in and kissed me again, astenderly as before. His hand slid underneath my shirt, splaying across my stomach, but the touch wasn’t sexual. It was as if he were trying to memorize me, just as I was trying to memorize him.
“I have existed for more eons than I remember. I have seen the sun rise and fall so many times that the days lost all meaning. For so long, they passed me by in a blur. But that night we met by the river—the night you gave up yourself in order to save a virtual stranger—my heart began to beat again.”
He took my hand and pressed it against his chest, and there it was—thump thump, thump thump, strong and beautiful. I would’ve given anything to keep his heart beating. The black abyss that had become my world in those hours I’d thought he was dead had faded, but it was a scar I would always bear. I couldn’t go back to that. Even if I had Milo, I would never have another Henry.”
― Aimee Carter, quote from The Goddess Inheritance

“I don't need to be ancient to be worth something.”
― Aimee Carter, quote from The Goddess Inheritance

“You’ll never lose me,” I said, my voice breaking.
“Promise.” His gaze searched mine as he ran his fingertip up my spine.
“I promise.” I closed the minuscule gap between us once more, capturing his lips and trying to show him how much I meant it. “I love you. I love our family. I love our life together, and I can’t wait for the day when we’re back home, just the three of us, and this whole war is over. I swear to you that will happen. That will be our future.”
He cradled the back of my head, his palm searing against my skin. “I have waited an eternity for this love. I’m not going to let anyone, Titan or not, take it from us.”
“Promise?” I said, and this time it was Henry’s turn to kiss me.
“I promise.”
“Then do me a favor.”
I shifted onto my back, rolling him with me. His body pressed against mine in all the right places, and I lifted my head high enough to rest my forehead against his. “Live this love now,” I whispered. “And never stop.”
― Aimee Carter, quote from The Goddess Inheritance

“You really need to get over your martyr complex. One of these days it’s going to get you killed.”
― Aimee Carter, quote from The Goddess Inheritance

“James chuckled. “You’re the worst goddess I’ve ever met.”
“Calliope’s the worst goddess you’ve ever met. I’m just the most incompetent.”
― Aimee Carter, quote from The Goddess Inheritance

“I love you so much,” I said, closing the distance between us and wrapping myself around him. “No matter what happens, no matter how this war turns out—I love you, forever and always.”
― Aimee Carter, quote from The Goddess Inheritance

“You were thinking you had a chance to do what you always do,” said James with kindness I didn’t deserve. “You were going to give yourself up in order to save the people you love. It’s a bit of a problem with you, you know.”
― Aimee Carter, quote from The Goddess Inheritance

“I love you. We all do, even if some of us aren't very good at showing it sometimes.”
― Aimee Carter, quote from The Goddess Inheritance

“I want him back, Henry. I want us to be a family.”
“We are a family.” He kissed my forehead, my cheek, and finally brushed his lips against mine. “We cannot pretend it has been easy, but we love each other unconditionally, and that is what matters. We will get him back. I swear it.”
My chin trembled. “How?”
“I do not know yet, but I will find a way. We will find a way together.”
I kissed him back, not caring if he could taste my tears.”
― Aimee Carter, quote from The Goddess Inheritance

“Wordlessly James gathered me up and buried his face in my hair. "I was supposed to be your first affair."
A lump formed in my throat, and I hugged him back fiercely. "I don't think it counts as an affair if the thought of Cronus makes me sick to my stomach."
"So there's still hope for me, after all.”
― Aimee Carter, quote from The Goddess Inheritance

“He ran his fingers through my hair, his touch so gentle that it felt like a warm summer breeze. “All I want is you.”
I shivered. Milo’s lips parted in his sleep, and he made an adorable suckling motion. “All I want is to be a family. A real, live family, together and safe from all of this.”
“We will be,” he promised. “I will make sure of it.”
I leaned against him and wrapped my arm around his waist, his silk shirt tickling the inside of my wrist. How long would it be before we got to spend time together like this again?”
― Aimee Carter, quote from The Goddess Inheritance

“Another pair of hands joined us, but I was so completely submerged into myself that I might as well have closed my eyes and disappeared in the dark. In here, nothing could touch me. In here, Henry was everywhere. In here, it was winter again, and we curled up together underneath the down comforter in the Underworld as the hours passed by. His chest was warm under my palm, and his heart beat against my fingers, steady and eternal. In here, no one died.”
― Aimee Carter, quote from The Goddess Inheritance

“And I wasn’t going to give up just because they insisted there was no point in trying. Even if it meant marching straight up to Cronus and giving him everything, I would really do it if it meant Henry might live.”
― Aimee Carter, quote from The Goddess Inheritance

“Your optimism continues to defy reality”
― Aimee Carter, quote from The Goddess Inheritance

“And the list of traitors?" said Dylan, eying the scroll with an unsavory gleam in his eyes. What did he plan on doing, hunting down each and every one of them? Somehow that didn't feel to far from the truth.”
― Aimee Carter, quote from The Goddess Inheritance

About the author

Aimee Carter
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