Quotes from Terry Treetop and the Lost Egg

Tali Carmi ·  44 pages

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“This little boy is five years old, and big trees he loved to climb! His special name is Terry”
― Tali Carmi, quote from Terry Treetop and the Lost Egg

“Who shall I give my gratitude?”
― Tali Carmi, quote from Terry Treetop and the Lost Egg

“For one little boy, this summer was going to be really exciting! He and his whole family were going out to do some camping!   This little boy is five years old, and big trees he loved to climb!”
― Tali Carmi, quote from Terry Treetop and the Lost Egg

“Terry Treetop Finds New Friends Amazon.com    ”
― Tali Carmi, quote from Terry Treetop and the Lost Egg

“Very sadly, Terry gave his thanks and walked to sit on a brown log. There”
― Tali Carmi, quote from Terry Treetop and the Lost Egg

About the author

Tali Carmi
Born place: Israel
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