Quotes from Sold

Patricia McCormick ·  268 pages

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“Simply to endure is to triumph.”
― Patricia McCormick, quote from Sold

“If you look hard enough, chaos turns into order the way letters turn into words.”
― Patricia McCormick, quote from Sold

“This affliction--hope--is so cruel and stubborn, I believe it will kill me”
― Patricia McCormick, quote from Sold

“Trying to remember, I have learned, is like trying to clutch a handful of fog. Trying to forget, like trying to hold back the monsoon.”
― Patricia McCormick, quote from Sold

“Instead, we linger over a luxury that costs nothing: Imagining what may be.”
― Patricia McCormick, quote from Sold

“In the evening, the brilliant yellow pumpkin blossoms will close, drunk on sunshine, while the milky white jasmine will open their slender throats and sip the chill Himalayan air.

At night, low hearths will send up wispy curls of smoke fragrant with a dozen dinners, and darkness will clothe the land.

Except on nights when the moon is full. On those nights, the hillside and the valley below are bathed in a magical white light, the glow of the perpetual snows that blanket the mountaintops. On those nights I lie restless in the sleeping loft, wondering what the world is like beyond my mountain home.”
― Patricia McCormick, quote from Sold

“Inside my head I carry:
my baby goat,
my baby brother,
my ama's face,
our family's future.

My bundle is light.
My burden is heavy.”
― Patricia McCormick, quote from Sold

“Guard the portals of your mind.”
― Patricia McCormick, quote from Sold

“When I have run out of words to copy, I look out the window at this strange place called India. Inside the train, the people around me are snoring. I don't understand how they can close their eyes when there is so much to see.”
― Patricia McCormick, quote from Sold

“My bundle is light.
My burden is heavy.”
― Patricia McCormick, quote from Sold

“Ama wipes her hands on her apron, looks up at our old roof with new eyes, and lifts the baby from his basket. She twirls him in the air, her skirts flying around her ankles the way the clouds swirl around the mountain cap--her laughter fresh and strange and musical to my ears.”
― Patricia McCormick, quote from Sold

This ache in my chest is a relentless thing, worse than any fever.
A fever is gone with a few of Mumtaz's white pills. But this illness has had me in its grip for a week now.
This affliction--hope--is so cruel and stubborn, I believe it will kill me.”
― Patricia McCormick, quote from Sold

“A man who doles out sweets, and slaps, with the same hand.”
― Patricia McCormick, quote from Sold

“i inhale deeply,
drinking the warmth in the scent of mountain sunshine,
a warmth that smells of freshly turned soil and clean laundry baking in the sun.”
― Patricia McCormick, quote from Sold

“I have been beaten here,
locked away,
violated a hundred times,
and a hundred times more.
I have been starved,
and cheated,
and disgraced.
How odd is it that I am undone by the simple kindness of a small boy with a yellow pencil.”
― Patricia McCormick, quote from Sold

“Auntie says that in the city, people gather and pay money to see beautiful women and handsome men put on a show. The people in the show are called movie stars.”
― Patricia McCormick, quote from Sold

“I have been beaten here,
locked away,
violated a hundred times
and a hundred times more.
I have been starved
and cheated,
and disgraced.

How odd it is that I am undone by the simple kindness of a small boy with a yellow pencil.”
― Patricia McCormick, quote from Sold

About the author

Patricia McCormick
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