Quotes from Relentless

Dean Koontz ·  356 pages

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“I'm small, I'm young - and I'm so different. You've always respected that difference, and you've always trusted it. Trust me now. There's a reason I am the way I am, and there's a reason I was born to you. There's always a reason. We belong together.”
― Dean Koontz, quote from Relentless

“Evil itself may be relentless. I will grant you that, but love is relentless too. Friendship is a relentless force. Family is a relentless force. Faith is relentless force. The human spirit is relentless, and the human heart outlasts - and can defeat - even the most relentless force of all, which is time.”
― Dean Koontz, quote from Relentless

“Always, the eye sees more than the mind can comprehend, and we go through life self-blinded to much that lies before us. We want a simple world, but we live in a magnificently complex one, and rather than open ourselves to it, we perceive the world through filters that make it less daunting.”
― Dean Koontz, quote from Relentless

“Lies hurt people; imagination makes life more fun.”
― Dean Koontz, quote from Relentless

“I fell in love with her for her sense of humour. If she ever lost her sense of humour, I would have to dump her. Then I'd kill myself because I couldn't live without her.”
― Dean Koontz, quote from Relentless

“I'm no more a wonder than anyone. And that's what makes the world magical. Every baby's a seed of wonder - that gets watered or it doesn't.”
― Dean Koontz, quote from Relentless

“Fire, ice, asteroids and pole shifts are bogeymen with which we distract ourselves from the real threat of our time. In an age when everyone invents his own truth, there is no community, only factions. Without community, there can be no consensus to resist the greedy, the envious, the power-mad narcissists who seize control and turn the institutions of civilization into a series of doom machines.”
― Dean Koontz, quote from Relentless

“we must seize life because we never know how much of it remains for us, that faith is the antidote to despair and that laughter is the music of faith.”
― Dean Koontz, quote from Relentless

“That was interesting, riding in the trunk," Milo said, "but I wouldn't want to do it again.”
― Dean Koontz, quote from Relentless

“Dear, the man can't be eviscerated because he has no viscera. He's a walking colon. If you cut him open, you only end up covered in crap.”
― Dean Koontz, quote from Relentless

“As we passed his table, I saw that the device that imprisoned the book was clever but wicked-looking, as though the critic were holding the work - and it's author - in bondage.”
― Dean Koontz, quote from Relentless

“I'm sure, you'll never again have a problem with a tool or a machine. No more hammered thumbs, no vacuum-cleaner catastrophes." "That'll take a second miracle." "Because all that clumsiness was never anything but an elaborate excuse not to have a gun, not to learn how to use one.”
― Dean Koontz, quote from Relentless

“...I felt inadequate to show him the way. I wanted my son to know much laughter and more love, to appreciate the grace of this world and the abiding mystery of it, to know the pleasure of small achievements, of trifles and of follies, to be always aware of the million wonderful little pictures in the big one...we would have to find our way together. I loved him enough to endure any horror for him and to die that he might be spared. No matter how much you care for another person, however, you can't guarantee him a happy life, not with love, or money, not with sacrifice. You can only do your best - and pray for him".”
― Dean Koontz, quote from Relentless

“The only monsters in this world are those who pass for human, who cast shadows and are reflected in mirrors, who smile and speak of compassion and shed convincing tears.”
― Dean Koontz, quote from Relentless

“When a good woman knows an important thing needs to be done, she won't let death prevent her from doing it.”
― Dean Koontz, quote from Relentless

“...he dreamed of being director of the FBI instead of attorney general. Considering some of the unsavory characters who had held the latter post, Milo didn't have the credentials for it.”
― Dean Koontz, quote from Relentless

“I was finally convinced of something I had suspected for a long time: God has a sense of humor, and because the world is wondrous, God expects us to find reasons to smile even on the darkest days.”
― Dean Koontz, quote from Relentless

“...on her deathbed... I tell her she is as good a soul as I have ever met or hope to meet, that she is an angel in the flesh, and that I will speak her name to God every night of my life before I go to sleep.”
― Dean Koontz, quote from Relentless

“upon all the doors of my defenses, chasing out my expectations of civilization and letting in the fear of anarchy and barbaric violence.”
― Dean Koontz, quote from Relentless

“Complexity implies meaning. We're afraid of meaning.”
― Dean Koontz, quote from Relentless

About the author

Dean Koontz
Born place: in Everett, Pennsylvania, The United States
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