Quotes from Orb Sceptre Throne

Ian C. Esslemont ·  605 pages

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“The problem with paths is that once you have chosen one, You cannot choose the others. Attributed to Gothos”
― Ian C. Esslemont, quote from Orb Sceptre Throne

“Kruppe wonders now, in the presentsight, as it were – or is it is? – what pedestrian activities or seemingly innocuous events will, in the hindsight of the future, be seen to be foreshadowings of the grievous event which may, or may not, come to pass, and which, by the forewarning, may thusly be headed off.”
― Ian C. Esslemont, quote from Orb Sceptre Throne

“when you think everyone around you is mad, that’s then you should start to suspect it’s actually you.”
― Ian C. Esslemont, quote from Orb Sceptre Throne

“Freedom - rather more complicated in the concrete than the abstract, yes?”
― Ian C. Esslemont, quote from Orb Sceptre Throne

“Tyranny remains because the weak and fearful seek it.”
― Ian C. Esslemont, quote from Orb Sceptre Throne

“They are the words of an old man who has lost a great friend. A mourning elder who looks at life only to see death. Such a dark vision must not guide a people. We who see life, who look ahead to the future. We must lead. And”
― Ian C. Esslemont, quote from Orb Sceptre Throne

“The truth is that the goal of existence is to kill you.”
― Ian C. Esslemont, quote from Orb Sceptre Throne

“Scillara was not cruel; she was simply not interested and he did not hold this against her. It seemed to him that frankly most people by temperament and character should not be thrust into the role of parents. She was simply uncharacteristic in admitting it. He”
― Ian C. Esslemont, quote from Orb Sceptre Throne

“Did we not look out together upon the dark waters of the lake
And behold there the constellations
Of both hemispheres at once?

-Love Songs of the Cinnamon Wastes”
― Ian C. Esslemont, quote from Orb Sceptre Throne

“Give and give of y’self till there’s nothing left! Only then can you have something! If you take, you diminish things till there’s nothing left. If you give, you provide and things grow! Yes?”
― Ian C. Esslemont, quote from Orb Sceptre Throne

“Speak not to me of the meddling Jaghut!”
― Ian C. Esslemont, quote from Orb Sceptre Throne

About the author

Ian C. Esslemont
Born place: in Winnipeg, Canada
Born date January 1, 1962
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