Quotes from No Doubt About It

Sheri Dew ·  246 pages

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“Why can't we resist the urge to second-guess and evaluate each other?...Sometimes I wonder if the final judgment will be a breeze compared with what we've put each other through here on earth. p 225”
― Sheri Dew, quote from No Doubt About It

“I can't imagine pain greater than stepping across the veil and realizing I had not done what I came here to do - or realizing that I had given up my life to little or nothing, only then to find that it was gone. p 3”
― Sheri Dew, quote from No Doubt About It

“Its not living the gospel thats hard. Its life thats hard...How often do we make the mistake of talking to our youth about how hard it is...Shouldn't we instead be focusing on the doctrine of joy...? p 106”
― Sheri Dew, quote from No Doubt About It

“The more we sense...our ultimate potential, the more determined we become to achieve it. It's the difference between your mother hounding you to practice the piano and reaching the point where you want to do it yourself. You simply will not be denied the ultimate reward and the joy of the Big Finish. p 90”
― Sheri Dew, quote from No Doubt About It

“These are the days in which a true leader wants to live. These are days when opportunities to change lives and even destinies are nearly endless. You are running the anchor leg of the relay because you were born to lead. You were born for glory.”
― Sheri Dew, quote from No Doubt About It

“You were born to lead as mothers and fathers because nowhere is righteous leadership more crucial than in the family. You were born to lead as priesthood and auxiliary leaders, as heads of communities, companies, and even nations. You were born to lead as men and women willing 'to stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places' because that's what a true leader does.”
― Sheri Dew, quote from No Doubt About It

“I invite you to consider anew what you know and what you have; what you are here for and where you are going; and how you are going to do what you have come here to do. p 13”
― Sheri Dew, quote from No Doubt About It

About the author

Sheri Dew
Born place: in Ulysses, Kansas, The United States
Born date November 21, 1953
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