Quotes from Mysterious Skin

Scott Heim ·  292 pages

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“It was a light that shone over our faces, our wounds and scars. It was a light so brilliant and white it could have been beamed from heaven, and Brian and I could have been angels, basking in it. But it wasn’t, and we weren’t.”
― Scott Heim, quote from Mysterious Skin

“He spoke so slowly, cobwebs could have formed between his words.”
― Scott Heim, quote from Mysterious Skin

“I hate this stinking little butt crack of a town!”
― Scott Heim, quote from Mysterious Skin

“It was Brian's blood, and for some reason I knew it was pure. No other man I'd held in my arms -and now, not even I- had blood this pure.”
― Scott Heim, quote from Mysterious Skin

“Defenestration,” I said. “‘The act of throwing someone through a window.”
― Scott Heim, quote from Mysterious Skin

“How in the world can you think a queer is cute? I mean, you can tell he’s a freak. You can just tell.” I advised Zelda that if she didn’t shut up, I’d gouge out her eyes and force her to swallow them.”
― Scott Heim, quote from Mysterious Skin

About the author

Scott Heim
Born place: Hutchinson, Kansas, The United States
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