Quotes from Monster Hunter International

Larry Correia ·  457 pages

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“Fish and Wildlife wants to fine us for killing a giant mutant Tennessee River catfish because it was endangered. Sure it had just crawled up on land and eaten some teenagers, but it was still an endangered species.”
― Larry Correia, quote from Monster Hunter International

“There are three kinds of people in the world: people who can't believe anything, suckers who believe everything, and a few of us who can face the truth.”
― Larry Correia, quote from Monster Hunter International

“You know that ‘no weapons at work’ policy?” I asked the twitching and growing hairy monstrosity standing less than ten feet from me. His yellow eyes bored into me with raw animal hatred. There was nothing recognizably human in that look.

“I never did like that rule,” I said as I bent down and drew my gun from my ankle holster, put the front sight on the target and rapidly fired all five shots from my snub-nosed .357 Smith & Wesson into Mr. Huffman’s body. God bless Texas.”
― Larry Correia, quote from Monster Hunter International

“I've got a chainsaw with my name on it in my workshop," Milo told us happily. "If I'm ever killed by undead, I want you guys to chop me up with it. It's a good chainsaw."
"I reckon it is, Milo. I would be honored to chop your head off," Sam said.”
― Larry Correia, quote from Monster Hunter International

“On one otherwise normal Tuesday evening I had the chance to live the American dream. I was able to throw my incompetent jackass of a boss from a fourteenth-story window.”
― Larry Correia, quote from Monster Hunter International

“So did you score with your friend's dead mom ?”
― Larry Correia, quote from Monster Hunter International

“Lee threw down the tripod, and Trip dropped the FN MAG machine gun onto it...Lee hunkered down behind the big weapon. Holly handed me an RPG. The heavy tube was reassuring in my hands. Everyone dug down into the ditch, prepared to fight. Nervous but competent. Scared but professional. We were ready to put some smack down. Not bad for an accountant, a librarian, a schoolteacher, and a stripper.”
― Larry Correia, quote from Monster Hunter International

“Susan, you were a mighty fine woman when you were alive and all, but personally I'd rather be gang-raped by giant, rabid, syphilitic porcupines, than join your shithead, hippie-commune, undead family, you scrawny-ass, vampire skank whore.”
― Larry Correia, quote from Monster Hunter International

“I'm not in the redemption business”
― Larry Correia, quote from Monster Hunter International

“But if I have to deal with another stupid elf and their mystic crap I swear I'm going to shoot them all in their stupid inbred hick faces and burn their trailer park down.”
― Larry Correia, quote from Monster Hunter International

“You're the modern versions of Beowulf, of St. George, of Odysseus. You're Van Helsing with firepower. You're Jack and the Beanstalk with automatic weapons. We're walking in the valley of the shadow of death, but we shall fear no evil! Because evil is about to get a stake put through its black heart because we are the baddest mother-fuckers to ever set foot in the valley!”
― Larry Correia, quote from Monster Hunter International

“People think that the South is racist, and it was, and some parts still are, but for the most part, we've dealt with our history. The biggest racists I've ever met aren't here, they're in politics, and they are smug bastards. They're the ones that are quick to play the race card, the ones that pimp poverty. Those are the real bigots.”
― Larry Correia, quote from Monster Hunter International

“She wore glasses, and I was a sucker for a girl in corrective eyewear. Since I was ugly it was probably some sort of subconscious reaction in the hope that I might have a chance with a cute girl who couldn't see very”
― Larry Correia, quote from Monster Hunter International

“Mordechai, I swear that if you screw up and kill me, I'm going to be pissed. If I end up a ghost, I'm gonna be kicking your ghost ass for eternity.”
― Larry Correia, quote from Monster Hunter International

“Holly had taken to calling us the rainbow coalition team, since we had one white female, and males of the Black, Asian, and Other categories. All we needed was a lesbian and a guy in a wheelchair and we were ready to salve even the biggest liberal's angst.”
― Larry Correia, quote from Monster Hunter International

“This won't hurt a bit. Well, actually it'll probably hurt like a son of a bitch. Bite down on something," she suggested.”
― Larry Correia, quote from Monster Hunter International

“She was beautiful. In fact she was possibly the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. She was tall, with dark black hair, light skin, and big brown eyes. Her face was beautiful, not fake beautiful like a model or an actress, because she was obviously a real person, but rather Helen of Troy, launch-a-thousand-ships kind of good-looking.”
― Larry Correia, quote from Monster Hunter International

“Holy symbols like crosses and blessed water occasionally have an effect, but are dependent upon the personal faith of the user. Most Hunters opt for violence over faith; we're kind of like soccer fans that way.”
― Larry Correia, quote from Monster Hunter International

“Hey, laugh all you want, but I grew up poor in backwoods Florida, with an immigrant, single mom. I'm the only person in my family who learned to read, and that was only because of comic books at first, and then fantasy novels and an active imagination. I got addicted to them when I was a kid and read like crazy. I must have read thousands of them. So I've been reading about elves and that kind of thing for twenty plus years. I can't help it if I'm excited." "You were a geek," she said. "Well, I guess." "I bet you played Dungeons and Dragons in a friend's garage." "Well, yeah." "Nerd.”
― Larry Correia, quote from Monster Hunter International

“The doctors had been impressed that I was even alive. When I had asked one of them approximately how much blood I had lost, he had responded wryly with "most of it.”
― Larry Correia, quote from Monster Hunter International

“And when you look long into an abyss, the abyss also looks into you. Ahh . . . an educated man. Well, you're not as stupid as you look. Don't quote Nietzsche at me, kid. That German crackpot wouldn't know a real monster if it bit him on the ass.”
― Larry Correia, quote from Monster Hunter International

“It is hard to sleep when roaches keep skittering across your body. My understanding is that since roaches can't shift into reverse, if one of them crawls into your ear canal it can get really nasty and potentially kill you. Sleep on that.”
― Larry Correia, quote from Monster Hunter International

“You think it's because of the girl. Grant probably thinks it's because of the girl too. That's because you're both idiots.”
― Larry Correia, quote from Monster Hunter International

“I'll take it off and feed it to you." I smiled at him and winked.”
― Larry Correia, quote from Monster Hunter International

About the author

Larry Correia
Born place: in El Nido, California, The United States
Born date January 1, 1977
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