Quotes from Holiday in Death

J.D. Robb ·  308 pages

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“It's more than you think it can be," she heard herself say. "It changes everything, and fixes everything that matters. Maybe you're never going to be the same, and maybe part of you is always afraid of what will happen if...but he's always going to be there. All you have to do is reach out, and he's going to be there.”
― J.D. Robb, quote from Holiday in Death

“Eve engaged her On Duty sign and stepped out of the car. Immediately her ears were assaulted with a blast of music. Christmas carols pumped, full blast, into the air. She decided that people ran inside, ready to buy anything, just to escape the noise.”
― J.D. Robb, quote from Holiday in Death

“[Peabody:] "Bite me."
Though Eve managed to swallow a chuckle at her aide's use of her own standard response to annoyances, she didn't quite make it over McNab's cheerful, "Where?”
― J.D. Robb, quote from Holiday in Death

“It amazed her how much people wanted to talk at parties. And about nothing in particular.”
― J.D. Robb, quote from Holiday in Death

“He's not your type."

Peabody's face clouded exactly as it had when Eve had rejected the perfume. "How come - I like looking at his type."

"Sure, but try to have a conversation with him." Eve dipped her hands in her pockets and rocked back on her heels. "Guy's in love with himself and figures every woman who gets a load of him has to go moony eyed - just like you're doing. He'd bore you to death in ten minutes because all he'd talk about is himself - how he looks, what he does, what he likes. You'd just be his latest accessory."

Peabody considered, watching as the gold-tipped Adonis posed at the check-in counter. "Okay, so we won't bother to talk. We'll just have sex."

"He'd be a lousy lay - wouldn't give a damn if you got off or not."

"I'm getting off just looking at him." But she sighed when he took out a small silver-backed mirror and examined his face with obvious delight. "It's times like this I hate it when you're right.”
― J.D. Robb, quote from Holiday in Death

“Aren’t you a little old for toys?” “It’s not a toy, it’s an adventure,”
― J.D. Robb, quote from Holiday in Death

About the author

J.D. Robb
Born place: in Silver Spring, Maryland, The United States
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