Quotes from Ghosts

Henrik Ibsen ·  48 pages

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“It is the very mark of the spirit of rebellion to crave for happiness in this life”
― Henrik Ibsen, quote from Ghosts

“It's not only what we have inherited from our father and mother that walks in us. It's all sorts of dead ideas, and lifeless old beliefs, and so forth. They have no vitality, but they cling to us all the same, and we can't get rid of them.”
― Henrik Ibsen, quote from Ghosts

“I am half inclined to think we are all ghosts…it is not only what we have inherited from our fathers and mothers that exists again in us, but all sorts of old dead ideas and all kinds of old dead beliefs and things of that kind. They are not actually alive in us; but there they are dormant all the same, and we can never be rid of them. Whenever I take up a newspaper and read it, I fancy I see ghosts creeping between the lines. There must be ghosts all over the world. They must be as countless as the grains of the sands, it seems to me. And we are so miserably afraid of the light, all of us.”
― Henrik Ibsen, quote from Ghosts

“I thought you understood where I'd lost what you call my heart at the time.”
― Henrik Ibsen, quote from Ghosts

“Ja, De tvang meg inn under det som De kalte plikt og skyldighet; da De lovpriste som rett og riktig hva hele mitt sinn opprørte seg imot noe vederstyggelig. Da var det jeg begynte å se Deres lærdomme efter i sømmene. Jeg ville bare pille ved en eneste knute; men da jeg hadde fått den løst, så raknet det opp alt sammen. Og så skjønte jeg at det var maskinsøm.”
― Henrik Ibsen, quote from Ghosts

“OSWALD: [Repeats, in a dull, toneless voice.] The sun. The sun.”
― Henrik Ibsen, quote from Ghosts

“OSWALD: For I'm not so afraid of death--though I should like to live as long as I can.
MRS. ALVING: Yes, yes, Oswald, you must!
OSWALD: But this is so unutterably loathsome.”
― Henrik Ibsen, quote from Ghosts

“OSWALD: Is it very late, mother?
MRS. ALVING: It is early morning. [She looks out through the conservatory.] The day is dawning over the mountains. And the weather is clearing, Oswald. In a little while you shall see the sun.
OSWALD: I'm glad of that. Oh, I may still have much to rejoice in and live for--”
― Henrik Ibsen, quote from Ghosts

“io credo che anche noi, tutti noi non siamo
nient'altro che degli spettri... in noi continua a circolare e a scorrere e a vivere non soltanto ciò che abbiamo ereditato
dai nostri genitori, dico il sangue paterno e materno, ma anche tutti i pensieri immaginabili che sono già stati pensati, le
vecchie credenze morte e sepolte, ogni specie di cose antiche e defunte a cui un tempo si è prestato fede e così via, in
una catena senza fine. Fantasmi senza vita che però si annidano nel nostro sangue, e che noi non possiamo scacciare.
Basta che io prenda un giornale, e mi metta a leggere, e mi sembra di vedere degli spettri che scivolano e sgusciano fra
le righe... ah, devono essere tanti, innumerevoli come i granelli di sabbia nel mare... e noi tutti viviamo nell'ombra,
timorosi della luce, della chiarezza, della verità..”
― Henrik Ibsen, quote from Ghosts

“People so easily forget their past selves.”
― Henrik Ibsen, quote from Ghosts

“Znate Manderse, ja gotovo verujem da smo svi mi aveti. Ne kreće se u nama samo ono što smo nasledili od oca i majke. To su i svi mogući i stari i mrtvi nazori, svakakva stara i mrtva verovanja itd. To ne živi u nama, ali nam leži u krvi i ne možemo ga se osloboditi. Kad god uzmem novine u ruke i čitam ih, čini mi se kao da se aveti šunjaju između redova. Mora da svuda na zemlji žive aveti. Mora da ih im toliko mnogo, koliko i peska u moru. I zato se svi mi tako bedno plašimo svetla, svi redom.

― Henrik Ibsen, quote from Ghosts

About the author

Henrik Ibsen
Born place: in Skien, Norway
Born date March 20, 1828
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