Quotes from Cruel and Beautiful

A.M. Hargrove ·  436 pages

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“Do me a favor. Always remember the better times and know that I loved all the pieces of you with all the pieces of me.”
― A.M. Hargrove, quote from Cruel and Beautiful

“I’d assumed after that I’d never find love. But fate brought us back together and I knew I had to win her over. Even if we did have to fight to overcome the cruel, we hung on to the beautiful and it was damn worth it.”
― A.M. Hargrove, quote from Cruel and Beautiful

“Everything I have is yours. My love, my heart, my soul, and my life, for however short or long it may be.”
― A.M. Hargrove, quote from Cruel and Beautiful

“I promise from this day forward I will give you all my love and you will not walk alone. Your love is my anchor, your trust, my strength. I give you shelter for your heart and may my arms be your home. I willingly give you all that I am and all that I will become. My love for you has no beginning or no end. For this is my promise and my solemn vow.”
― A.M. Hargrove, quote from Cruel and Beautiful

“Love encompasses a whole lot of things, Drew. And when I fell in love with you, I didn’t fall for only the good times. I fell for it all, including this.”
― A.M. Hargrove, quote from Cruel and Beautiful

“The way he looks at me, it's as if he's looking into my soul.”
― A.M. Hargrove, quote from Cruel and Beautiful

“Even if we did have to fight to overcome the cruel, we hung on to the beautiful and it was damn worth it.”
― A.M. Hargrove, quote from Cruel and Beautiful

“What purpose would that serve? Anger only breeds anger. I get pissed at you, then you get pissed back at me, and it turns into a vicious cycle. It’s just better if I analyze my feelings and deal with them.”
― A.M. Hargrove, quote from Cruel and Beautiful

“I remember the first time I saw you.”
His voice breaks into my tumbling thoughts.
“You had no idea I saw you. I remember thinking that’s a woman I can see spending the rest of my life with.”
― A.M. Hargrove, quote from Cruel and Beautiful

“You’re still as beautiful as the first day I saw you.”
His eyes laser onto mine in a way that sends a shockwave to my core. Just like then, I’m embarrassed by my reaction to him. The idea of his touch makes my center clench with expectation.”
― A.M. Hargrove, quote from Cruel and Beautiful

“For however short or long it may be,” keep coming back to me. This moment has to last forever in my heart. I don’t want to feel this way—to have these doubts. I want my faith to be firm in his survival of what he faces. So I will choose to live in the moment from this point on, cherishing him day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute.”
― A.M. Hargrove, quote from Cruel and Beautiful

“week before our first anniversary. Drew”
― A.M. Hargrove, quote from Cruel and Beautiful

“Not a thing. I’m just so damned happy you’ve agreed to make it official and be mine forever.” He pulls me into his arms, and it’s here I want to stay. For a lifetime.”
― A.M. Hargrove, quote from Cruel and Beautiful

“Something breaks in my chest as he drives into me with so much passion I feel his love in every stroke. A tear falls from my eye and I know there is no turning back. This man is mine and I am his.”
― A.M. Hargrove, quote from Cruel and Beautiful

“There is no doubt in my mind I see stars as he slips into me. My back rises off the bed as it feels like heaven, like home. Nothing in so long has felt this right.”
― A.M. Hargrove, quote from Cruel and Beautiful

About the author

A.M. Hargrove
Born place: in The United States
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