Quotes from Bluestar's Prophecy

Erin Hunter ·  516 pages

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“I've got my warrior name, too!"
How did you guess?" A purr rumbled in his throat.
Beacuse your tail's still straight.”
― Erin Hunter, quote from Bluestar's Prophecy

“Tigerkit was nagging his mother.
"Why can't I go out?"
"You've just come in."
"But it's a sunny day."
"You need a nap."
"I'm not tired."
"You will be later."
"I'll sleep then."
"But you'll be grumpy all afternoon if you don't nap now."
"No, I won't."
"Yes, you will.”
― Erin Hunter, quote from Bluestar's Prophecy

“The only thing that can hurt me is being apart from you.”
― Erin Hunter, quote from Bluestar's Prophecy

“You have sacrified so much. And our Clan walks a safer path now. With this life, I give you pride, so that you may know your own worth and the worth of your Clan. Thank you for raising Whitestorm. You were chosen long ago, and StarClan has never regretted its choice.”
― Erin Hunter, quote from Bluestar's Prophecy

“Even the most powerful flames can be destroyed by water.”
― Erin Hunter, quote from Bluestar's Prophecy

“Go get something to eat.” He glanced at Featherwhisker. “You may as well go, too, and while you’re at the fresh-kill pile, you can bring me back a morsel to eat. I’ve had a busy morning.” Bluefur glanced around at the clearing. It was scattered with herbs lying amid fallen leaves, and a patch of grass was flattened in one corner where the sun pooled. It was the exact shape of a plump medicine cat. Busy? Huh.”
― Erin Hunter, quote from Bluestar's Prophecy

“A murmur passed through the Clan, and Bluefur wondered if he’d overheard the elders talking about inviting Goosefeather to give up his duties and join them beneath the fallen tree. The old medicine cat was standing with his fur on end and his eyes mad, glaring at nothing. It seemed like it might be a kindness to set him free from his responsibilities and let his denmate take over.”
― Erin Hunter, quote from Bluestar's Prophecy

“There was no more need to cling to her last life. Firestar would kindle a new flame and blaze through the forest in her place. ThunderClan was safe. She closed her eyes and gave way to dizzying blackness.”
― Erin Hunter, quote from Bluestar's Prophecy

“Leopardfoot’s kitting,” Bluefur told her. Dappletail’s tail flicked. “Already?” Her eyes clouded with worry. “How long has she been at it?” “Most of the afternoon.” “Is Goosefeather with her?” “No, Featherwhisker is.” “Where’s Goosefeather?” Dappletail demanded. Stormtail looked up from his shrew. “He was at the top of the ravine when we came down.” Dappletail blinked. “What in the name of StarClan was he doing up there?” “Staring at the sky when we passed, muttering about clouds,” Stormtail meowed. “I don’t think he noticed us.” The nursery brambles shivered as Featherwhisker squeezed out. His eyes glittered with tension, and his pelt was sticking up along his flanks. Bluefur hurried to meet him. “Is she okay?” Featherwhisker didn’t answer. “I need moss soaked with water, and herbs,” he mewed. “Go and ask Goosefeather to give you raspberry leaves.” Bluefur’s belly tightened. The medicine cat apprentice looked strained, and she was frightened; he might panic if he knew that Goosefeather had wandered off.”
― Erin Hunter, quote from Bluestar's Prophecy

“I’m just having a bad day, that’s all.” “It seems like every day’s a bad day with you.” Shut up! Shut up! “It’s leaf-bare,” Sunfall began. Duh!”
― Erin Hunter, quote from Bluestar's Prophecy

“Runningkit and Mousekit, three moons older, were teasing them by flicking lumps of snow at them and then looking innocent when the kits skidded to a halt to complain.”
― Erin Hunter, quote from Bluestar's Prophecy

“A half-moon later, Frostkit and Brindlekit were born.”
― Erin Hunter, quote from Bluestar's Prophecy

“Goosefeather appeared from the gorse tunnel and padded straight to his den. He didn’t even stop to ask how Leopardfoot was. Bluefur pressed back the urge to rake his muzzle with her claws. He’s supposed to be the Clan medicine cat, for StarClan’s sake!”
― Erin Hunter, quote from Bluestar's Prophecy

“Oakheart,” Crookedpaw explained. “He’s my littermate.” Bluepaw stretched up on her hind legs to get a better view of the tom, but could see only the reddish-brown tips of his ears. “He’s great,” Crookedpaw purred. “He caught a fish on his first day as an apprentice.” I caught a squirrel. Bluepaw found herself competing. “He says that when he becomes leader, he’ll make me deputy.” How modest! “I have a sister,” Bluepaw announced. She nodded toward Snowpaw, who was sitting beside Sparrowpelt, a tail-length away. “She’s a brilliant hunter, too.” “Maybe if they both became leader we could be deputies together,” Crookedpaw mewed. Deputy? What was the point of being deputy? “I want to be the leader!” Crookedpaw looked at her in surprise, then broke into a purr. “Of course.” Bluepaw”
― Erin Hunter, quote from Bluestar's Prophecy

“skidded to the other side and disappeared into the pines. Pelt bristling, eyes wide, Snowfur streaked after them, over the oily Thunderpath. Bluefur froze. A monster was roaring straight at Snowfur. Without slowing down, it slammed into her body. Bluefur heard the dull thump, then the howl of the monster as it thundered away, leaving Snowfur’s body lying like a wet leaf at the edge of the Thunderpath. “No!”
― Erin Hunter, quote from Bluestar's Prophecy

“It’s been moons since anyone attacked my tail,” he’d rasped wistfully.”
― Erin Hunter, quote from Bluestar's Prophecy

“With this life I give you compassion,” Pinestar murmured. “Judge as much with your heart as with your mind.”
― Erin Hunter, quote from Bluestar's Prophecy

“Why can’t I go out?” “You’ve just come in.” “But it’s a sunny day.” “You need a nap.” “I’m not tired.” “You will be later.” “I’ll sleep then.” “But you’ll be grumpy all afternoon if you don’t nap now.” “No, I won’t.” “Yes, you will.”
― Erin Hunter, quote from Bluestar's Prophecy

“Bluefur pushed herself forward, springing onto the first stone. Water splashed and gurgled around her. The blood roared in her ears. Stupid Goosefeather! She leaped to the next stone, swaying for a heart-stopping moment before she found her balance and gathered her haunches to jump again. Stupid prophecy! And again. It’s probably not even true. The final stone wobbled as she landed, and water washed over her paws. Don’t let me drown! She flung herself to the shore, panting.”
― Erin Hunter, quote from Bluestar's Prophecy

“The moment Thistlepaw had left, she glared at Snowpaw. “What’s going on with you and him?” “He makes me purr,” Snowpaw mewed. “I can see that,” Bluepaw growled. Snowpaw’s eyes flashed. “He was only being helpful!” “A little too helpful by the look of it!” “There’s nothing in the warrior code that says denmates can’t be friends,” Snowpaw snapped back. “You looked like more than just friends!” Bluepaw accused her. “So what?” Snowpaw snapped. “There’s nothing in the warrior code about that either.” “So you’re just following the warrior code?” Bluepaw rolled her eyes. “Well, there’s nothing in the warrior code about sleeping or eating. Maybe you should give those up, just so you aren’t breaking the code!” Snowpaw rolled her eyes. “Now you’re being ridiculous.” Before Bluepaw could answer, Sunfall padded around the nettles. “What are you two arguing about?” Both sisters glared at the deputy. “Nothing!”
― Erin Hunter, quote from Bluestar's Prophecy

“You must be hungry,” Goosefeather went on. “Go get something to eat.” He glanced at Featherwhisker. “You may as well go, too, and while you’re at the fresh-kill pile, you can bring me back a morsel to eat. I’ve had a busy morning.” Bluefur glanced around at the clearing. It was scattered with herbs lying amid fallen leaves, and a patch of grass was flattened in one corner where the sun pooled. It was the exact shape of a plump medicine cat. Busy? Huh.”
― Erin Hunter, quote from Bluestar's Prophecy

“With this life I give you patience.” It was Goosefeather’s turn. His gaze was lucid, his voice gentle. “You will need it.”
― Erin Hunter, quote from Bluestar's Prophecy

“Do the kits have names?” Bluefur asked. “The she-kits are Mistkit and Nightkit, and the tom is Tigerkit.” “Tigerkit?” Leopardfoot had chosen a fierce name. “He’s the weakest of the three,” Featherwhisker mewed bleakly. “I suppose she hopes he’s a fighter from the start.” His eyes darkened. “He’ll need to be.”
― Erin Hunter, quote from Bluestar's Prophecy

“The only fat cat in ThunderClan now was Leopardfoot, whose belly seemed to swell while the other cats grew thinner. Bluepaw watched the mottled warrior, dozing beside the nettle patch in the weak leaf-bare sunshine. Was she secretly eating prey while she hunted? How come she was so plump when every other cat was hollow with hunger? The”
― Erin Hunter, quote from Bluestar's Prophecy

“Why doesn’t Goldenpaw try attacking me,” she suggested, “as though I were an enemy warrior?” “Good idea,” Sunfall meowed approvingly. “Do you think you could try that?” he asked Goldenpaw. Hesitantly she nodded. Bluepaw padded a tail-length away and turned, scowling her fiercest scowl. “Imagine I’m a ShadowClan warrior threatening the nursery,” she growled. Goldenpaw dropped into a crouch. Her eyes darkened and she drew her lips back in a snarl. Bluepaw was impressed. The young apprentice actually looked dangerous. Goldenpaw rushed at her without hesitation. She was so quick that Bluepaw hardly had time to dart out of the way or plan her defensive moves. Before she figured out where Goldenpaw was going to attack, the apprentice was gripping her back, scrabbling at her spine with vicious hind paws. Instinctively Bluepaw pressed hard against the ground, then surged up and threw Goldenpaw off. She turned and lunged at the ginger tabby, rolling her onto her flank with a well-aimed paw and raking her claws past her ear. Goldenpaw shrieked in surprise and scrambled away. Bluepaw froze. She smelled blood and saw with horror the nick she had made in Goldenpaw’s ear. “I’m so sorry!” She hadn’t meant to hurt the young apprentice. But Goldenpaw’s eyes were shining. “That was great!” she mewed. “Can we try it again?”   Back”
― Erin Hunter, quote from Bluestar's Prophecy

“Bluefur headed along the fern tunnel. Why wasn’t Goosefeather helping more? Why did ThunderClan seem to have the laziest, dumbest medicine cat? As she reached the end of the tunnel, she stopped. The medicine clearing was cool and green and empty. “Goosefeather!” Bluefur guessed he was sleeping in his den. Two eyes peered from the crack in the rock. Bluefur tensed. They were round and wild, and for a moment she thought a fox had got in. “Goosefeather?” she ventured shakily. The medicine cat padded out, his pelt ruffled. His eyes were still wild, but less startling in the daylight. “What is it?” “Featherwhisker sent me for herbs for my belly. I shared a bad mouse with Sweetpaw and Rosepaw last night.” “You as well?” He rolled his eyes. Bluefur nodded. “Evil omens everywhere.” Bluefur wondered if she’d heard the medicine cat correctly. He was muttering as he turned back into his den and still muttering as he came out and shoved a pawful of shredded leaves in front of her. “It was just a bad mouse,” she meowed, wondering why he was so upset. He leaned toward her, his breath stinky in her face. “Just a bad mouse?” he echoed. “Another warning, that’s what it was! I should have seen it coming. I should have noticed.” “How?” Bluefur backed away. “It didn’t taste bad.” She realized that his pelt wasn’t ruffled from sleep, but simply ungroomed. It clung to his frame as though the season were leaf-bare and he hadn’t eaten properly for a moon. She took another pace back. “It was just a bad mouse,” she repeated. He turned a disbelieving look on her. “How can you—you of all cats—ignore the signs?” he spat. “Me?” What did he mean? “You have a prophecy hanging over your head like a hawk. You’re fire, and only water can destroy you! You can’t ignore the signs.” “B-but…I’m just a warrior.” Was she supposed to have the insight of a medicine cat? That wasn’t fair. He should be giving her answers, not taunting her with the promise of a destiny she didn’t understand. She had wondered when Goosefeather would again speak to her about the prophecy, but now he was making even less sense than before. “Just a warrior?” His whiskers trembled. “Too many omens. Three cats poisoned, two only whiskers from StarClan, Leopardfoot nearly dead, her three kits hanging on to life like rabbits in a fox den.” He stared through her, seeming to forget she was there. “Why such a difficult birth for the Clan leader’s mate? The kits may not make it through another night. The tom is too weak to mew, let alone feed. I should help them, and yet how can I when the signs are clear?” What in the name of StarClan was he talking about? Forgetting the herbs, Bluefur backed out of the den. Only whiskers from StarClan.”
― Erin Hunter, quote from Bluestar's Prophecy

“With this life I give you love. Cherish your Clan as you cherished your kits, for now they all are your kin.”
― Erin Hunter, quote from Bluestar's Prophecy

“Spottedkit, Redkit, and Willowkit sat like three baby owls outside the nursery, their eyes fixed on the moss as the older kits tossed it back and forth. Bluefur”
― Erin Hunter, quote from Bluestar's Prophecy

“Which cat would give her a seventh life? She scanned the ranks and purred when she saw that Mosskit was padding forward, her tiny paws sending up sparks of starlight where they touched the ground. She had to rear up on her hind paws to touch Bluefur’s head. “With this life I give you trust. Believe in your Clan and in yourself. Never doubt that you know the right path to take.”
― Erin Hunter, quote from Bluestar's Prophecy

“With this life I give you pride, so that you may know your own worth and the worth of your Clan.”
― Erin Hunter, quote from Bluestar's Prophecy

About the author

Erin Hunter
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