Quotes from Ariel: The Restored Edition

Sylvia Plath ·  256 pages

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“If the moon smiled, she would resemble you.
You leave the same impression
Of something beautiful, but annihilating.”
― Sylvia Plath, quote from Ariel: The Restored Edition

“Out of the ash
I rise with my red hair
and I eat men like air.”
― Sylvia Plath, quote from Ariel: The Restored Edition

“I have taken a pill to kill
The thin
Papery feeling.”
― Sylvia Plath, quote from Ariel: The Restored Edition

“Is it the sea you hear in me?
Its dissatisfactions?
Or the voice of nothing, that was your madness?

Love is a shadow.
How you lie and cry after it.”
― Sylvia Plath, quote from Ariel: The Restored Edition

“No day is safe from news of you.”
― Sylvia Plath, quote from Ariel: The Restored Edition

“Now I am silent, hate
Up to my neck,
Thick, thick.
I do not speak.”
― Sylvia Plath, quote from Ariel: The Restored Edition

“I used to pray to recover you.”
― Sylvia Plath, quote from Ariel: The Restored Edition

“There is a charge

For the eyeing of my scars, there is a charge
For the hearing of my heart -
It really goes.

And there is a charge, a very large charge,
For a word or a touch
Or a bit of blood

Or a piece of my hair or my clothes.”
― Sylvia Plath, quote from Ariel: The Restored Edition

“Every woman adores a Fascist,
The boot in the face, the brute
Brute heart of a brute like you.”
― Sylvia Plath, quote from Ariel: The Restored Edition

“I am still raw.
I say I may be back.
You know what lies are for.

Even in your Zen heaven we shan't meet.”
― Sylvia Plath, quote from Ariel: The Restored Edition

“A ring of gold with the sun in it?
Lies. Lies and a grief.”
― Sylvia Plath, quote from Ariel: The Restored Edition

“I'm doped and thick from my last sleeping pill.”
― Sylvia Plath, quote from Ariel: The Restored Edition

“The sun gives you ulcers, the wind gives you T.B.
Once you were beautiful.”
― Sylvia Plath, quote from Ariel: The Restored Edition

“All night your moth-breath
Flickers among the flat pink roses. I wake to listen.
A far sea moves in my ear.”
― Sylvia Plath, quote from Ariel: The Restored Edition

“This is what it is to be complete. It is horrible.”
― Sylvia Plath, quote from Ariel: The Restored Edition

“And we, too, had a relationship—
Tight wires between us,
Pegs too deep to uproot, and a mind like a ring
Sliding shut on some quick thing,
The constriction killing me also.”
― Sylvia Plath, quote from Ariel: The Restored Edition

“All the gods know is destinations.”
― Sylvia Plath, quote from Ariel: The Restored Edition

“This is a case without a body.
The body does not come into it at all.”
― Sylvia Plath, quote from Ariel: The Restored Edition

“There is a green in the air,
Soft, delectable.
It cushions me lovingly.”
― Sylvia Plath, quote from Ariel: The Restored Edition

“I cannot undo myself, and the train is steaming.”
― Sylvia Plath, quote from Ariel: The Restored Edition

About the author

Sylvia Plath
Born place: in Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts, The United States
Born date October 27, 1932
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