Quotes from A Quiet Kind of Thunder

Sara Barnard ·  320 pages

Rating: (3.8K votes)

“Panic attacks are a lot like being drunk in some ways, you lose self-control. You cry for seemingly no reason. You deal with the hangover long into the next day.”
― Sara Barnard, quote from A Quiet Kind of Thunder

“I decide this is just A Bad Day. We all get them, because grief doesn't care how many years it's been.”
― Sara Barnard, quote from A Quiet Kind of Thunder

“Here are three separate but similar things: shyness, introversion and social anxiety. You can have one, two or all three of these things simultaneously. A lot of the time people thing they're all the same thing, but that's just not true. Extroverts can be shy, introverts can be bold, and a condition like anxiety can strike whatever kind of social animal you are.

Lots of people are shy. Shy is normal. A bit of anxiety is normal. Throw the two together, add some brain-signal error - a NO ENTRY sign on the neural highway from my brain to my mouth perhaps, though no one really knows - and you have me.”
― Sara Barnard, quote from A Quiet Kind of Thunder

“And then it happens. The panic. It's slow at first, creeping through the cracks in my thoughts until everything starts to feel heavy. It builds; it becomes something physical that clutches at my insides and squeezes out the air and the blood.”
― Sara Barnard, quote from A Quiet Kind of Thunder

“Little victories are everything in a world where worst-case scenarios are on an endless loop in your head.”
― Sara Barnard, quote from A Quiet Kind of Thunder

“I want the world, I think. Even if it scares me.”
― Sara Barnard, quote from A Quiet Kind of Thunder

“Here are three separate but similar things: shyness, introversion and social anxiety. You can have one, two or all three of these things simultaneously. A lot of the time people thing they're all the same thing, but that's just not true. Extroverts can be shy, introverts can be bold, and a condition like anxiety can strike whatever kind of social animal you are.”
― Sara Barnard, quote from A Quiet Kind of Thunder

About the author

Sara Barnard
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