Quotes from The Mephisto Club

Tess Gerritsen ·  368 pages

Rating: (29.7K votes)

“I know there’s evil in the world, and there always has been. But you don’t need to believe in Satan or demons to explain it. Human beings are perfectly capable of evil all by themselves.”
― Tess Gerritsen, quote from The Mephisto Club

“You can study a face all you want, but you never really know what lies beneath the mask.”
― Tess Gerritsen, quote from The Mephisto Club

“Friendships are broken all the time. So are hearts.”
― Tess Gerritsen, quote from The Mephisto Club

“her beam revealing ancient brick walls and the faint glimmer”
― Tess Gerritsen, quote from The Mephisto Club

“There's a whole history that never appears in the Bible, Detective. A secret history you can only find in Canaanite or Hebrew legends. They talk about the marriage between Adam and a free-spirited woman, a cunning temptress who refused to obey her husband, or to lie beneath him as a docile wife should. Instead she demanded wild sex in every position and taunted him when he couldn't satisfy her. She was the world's first truly liberated female, and she wasn't afraid to seek the pleasures of the flesh.”
― Tess Gerritsen, quote from The Mephisto Club

“I hate it when a woman lets me down. Gives us all a bad name.”
― Tess Gerritsen, quote from The Mephisto Club

“It is perhaps a more fortunate destiny to have a taste for collecting shells than to be born a millionaire’?”
― Tess Gerritsen, quote from The Mephisto Club

About the author

Tess Gerritsen
Born place: in The United States
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