Quotes from Stuck-Up Suit

Vi Keeland ·  245 pages

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“Cheating isn’t a mistake; it’s a choice.”
― Vi Keeland, quote from Stuck-Up Suit

“My life was far from Sex and the City. It was more like Sex and the Pity. Or Sex and the Shitty.”
― Vi Keeland, quote from Stuck-Up Suit

“Sometimes the words that are left unspoken are the ones that most needed to be said.”
― Vi Keeland, quote from Stuck-Up Suit

“Don't be afraid to get hurt. It's far better than never experiencing anything earth-shattering. Even temporary joy is better than nothing at all.”
― Vi Keeland, quote from Stuck-Up Suit

“My boyfriend recently asked me to marry him. I said yes. He’s the sweetest, kindest man I’ve ever known. Problem is, the diamond he gave me was smaller than I hoped for. I don’t really want to hurt his feelings. I need to know a polite way to express my disappointment. –Lori, Manhattan   God has the same dilemma when it comes to you, sweetheart. P.S. When your fiancé dumps your selfish ass, give him my number.   Answering”
― Vi Keeland, quote from Stuck-Up Suit

“I’ll go along with the no-sex thing, but mark my words. When the time comes, I’m not gonna be the one begging for it.”
― Vi Keeland, quote from Stuck-Up Suit

“Both our dishes looked more like art when they arrived. “I hate to eat it; it’s so beautiful.” “I have the opposite problem. It’s so beautiful; I can’t wait to eat it.” His smirk told me his comment had nothing to do with his fancy looking dinner. I”
― Vi Keeland, quote from Stuck-Up Suit

“It would be my pleasure to leave the gentleman at the door and fuck you four ways dirty.”
― Vi Keeland, quote from Stuck-Up Suit

“There are two sides to that man. Thoughtless and thoughtful. Not sure he got the in-between gene.”
― Vi Keeland, quote from Stuck-Up Suit

“Не искам да съм сам, Сорая. Омръзна ми да съм сам. Искам те в проклетото ми легло тази вечер. Не трябва да правим нищо. Просто...искам да те държа в прегръдките си докато заспя.”
― Vi Keeland, quote from Stuck-Up Suit

“You terrify me, Soraya.”
“But that’s the very reason that I just know.”
“Know what?”
“That this could be the real thing.”
― Vi Keeland, quote from Stuck-Up Suit

“Gorgeous, arrogant and pissed off?” I chuckled a little. “Yes, that’s him.” “His name is Graham Morgan, and I know just where you should bring the phone.” I fished a pen from my purse. “Okay.” “Are you anywhere near the 1 train?” “I’m not too far.” “Okay. Well, hop on the 1 and take that all the way downtown. Pass Rector Street and get off at the South Ferry Terminal.” “Okay. I can do that.” “Once you’re off. Take a right on Whitehall and then a left on South Street.” I knew the area and tried to visualize the buildings around there. It was a pretty commercial neighborhood. “Won’t that take me to the East River?” “Exactly. Toss that asshole’s phone in, and forget you ever saw the man.” The phone line went dead.”
― Vi Keeland, quote from Stuck-Up Suit

“He’s a good man. Fiercely loyal and loves his family. Very protective of his heart. But once he gives it, he doesn’t take it back.”

“Thank you.”

“You can fix the rest. Pry the stick out of his ass and hit him over the head with it a few times. He’s smart. He’ll figure it out real quick.”

“Now that, I can do.”
― Vi Keeland, quote from Stuck-Up Suit

“I HAD PLANNED TO GIVE the phone back this morning. No, really. I did. Then again, I also planned to finish college. And travel the world.”
― Vi Keeland, quote from Stuck-Up Suit

“Не се страхувай да бъдеш наранена. По-добре е отколкото никога да не изпиташ нещо, което да те разтресе из основи. Дори временната радост е по-добре от нищо. Страх те е да не те наранят, както мен ме е страх да умра. Това не означава, че няма да изживея пълноценно всеки ден.”
― Vi Keeland, quote from Stuck-Up Suit

“Исках да я притежавам, но истината беше, че...тя вече притежаваше мен.”
― Vi Keeland, quote from Stuck-Up Suit

“I know what I want.”
“Graham…things can change.”
“I need you, Soraya. I’ve never said that to another woman in my life.” I leaned my forehead against her and whispered, “I need you.”
― Vi Keeland, quote from Stuck-Up Suit

“My boyfriend had been fucked over by Barbie and Ken. And I was more like the Bratz doll rebound. My”
― Vi Keeland, quote from Stuck-Up Suit

“Don’t be afraid to get hurt. It’s far better than never experiencing anything earth-shattering. Even temporary joy is better than nothing at all.”
― Vi Keeland, quote from Stuck-Up Suit

“The only happy ending he’ll be getting is from me, bitch. A few minutes later, I’d been so preoccupied thinking about what those women were saying that I hadn’t noticed Graham sneak up behind me to plant a kiss on my neck. The gossipers had taken notice, though. Their eyes were practically bugging out of their heads. Their little happily-ever-after fantasy was quickly challenged by Graham’s public display of affection with someone they probably assumed was working the party. I couldn’t help myself when I turned to them and smiled. “Plot twist.”
― Vi Keeland, quote from Stuck-Up Suit

“You're afraid of getting hurt like I'm afraid to die. It doesn't mean I'm not going to live every day to its fullest.”
― Vi Keeland, quote from Stuck-Up Suit

“If you were with me, you wouldn’t care where your cell phone was. Soraya:”
― Vi Keeland, quote from Stuck-Up Suit

“You have no idea how dangerous I am when I want something. I will stop at nothing to get it. And there’s nothing more that I want right now than you.”
― Vi Keeland, quote from Stuck-Up Suit

“You want to fight with me?
Graham tugged at his tie, loosening it. “I find it turns me on.”
― Vi Keeland, quote from Stuck-Up Suit

“I got you what I like since I wasn’t sure what you liked.”
“I’ll eat whatever you feed me.”
“In that case…”
A dirty grin crossed his face. “Don’t think I won’t hold you down on this couch and feast on you until my entire staff knows you’re a religious girl.”
― Vi Keeland, quote from Stuck-Up Suit

“Yes. You’re a cunt. C you next Tuesday, Dana!   My”
― Vi Keeland, quote from Stuck-Up Suit

“Never in my life had I ever reacted to a man this way. Never had I felt so much fear and desire at the very same time.”
― Vi Keeland, quote from Stuck-Up Suit

“Mind? I’m an arrogant asshole. I quite like it when others envy what I have.”
― Vi Keeland, quote from Stuck-Up Suit

“- Ти ме плашиш до смърт, Сорая.
- И ти мен.
- Но това е причината да знам.
- Да знаеш какво.
- Да знам, че това между нас може да е нещо много истинско.”
― Vi Keeland, quote from Stuck-Up Suit

About the author

Vi Keeland
Born place: in New York, New York, The United States
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