Quotes from Monster

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“Being a good person is more than just not being a bad person.”
― quote from Monster

“The universe was filled with secrets, and he understood now that one of the biggest was that no one needed to know them all.”
― quote from Monster

“Your mistake, indeed the mistake of your inherently finite senses, is to view the universe as an extension of yourself. You expect that, like you, it should have a beginning, a middle, and an end. but what you fail to understand is that everything you consider to be you, except for that rather silly imaginary part you call consciousness, is merely bits and pieces borrowed from the universe, and to the universe it will all return. You had no beginning, and you will have no ending. Everything that is you has always been and will always be.”
― quote from Monster

“The middle was where it was too easy to be lazy and cynical at the same time.”
― quote from Monster

“Judy went back to Paulie’s place, but either he wasn’t home or he wasn’t answering his door. After banging on the door for four minutes, then waiting another ten, she decided she’d probably have to find someplace else to crash today She wished she’d taken the time to actually have a few friends.”
― quote from Monster

“What is it that demands an answer but never asks a question?”
― quote from Monster

“there’s nothing like having to claw and scrape your way through a sea of molten lava to remind one to keep an eye on the details.”
― quote from Monster

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“He stood there watching for a moment, not able to move. Even with her mascara running down her face and her hair beginning to frizz, she was still by far the most beautiful girl he’d ever laid eyes on. It was quite simple, wasn’t it? This great affection he had for Olivia was so overwhelming he chose to walk away instead of being brutally honest with himself.”
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“Nothing is boring exept to people who aren't really paying attention.”
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“The truth on top of me right like a marshmallowy sackful of soft sweet simple things, the feeling was colourful and clear and gentle and full of certainly and it pummelled me gently inside and out, and I understood. I understood these battles I’d been having with my parents and why an adventure away from Oscar felt like such a terrible thing.
I didn’t want to leave him. I didn’t want to sit by a new window in a strange house in a foreign country and not be able to talk to him. Oscar was the reason. He was the reason I wanted to stay.”
― Sarah Moore Fitzgerald, quote from The Apple Tart of Hope

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