Quotes from Iron's Prophecy

Julie Kagawa ·  67 pages

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“Know that I'm with you always, even if you can't see me.”
― Julie Kagawa, quote from Iron's Prophecy

“Well,” Puck said cheerfully, forcing a rather pained smile, “it’s just like old times, isn’t it? You, me, ice-boy, the future of the Nevernever hanging in the balance…we just have to wait for Furball to show up and then it’ll be perfect.” “He is already here, Goodfellow,” came a familiar voice behind us, sounding bored and offended all at once. “Where he has been for much of the conversation, waiting for you to see past the end of your nose.” “Yep.” Puck sighed as we all turned to face Grimalkin. “Just like old times.”
― Julie Kagawa, quote from Iron's Prophecy

“If we all end up as llamas, I’m going to spend the rest of my life following you around saying ‘I told you so’ in llama-ese.”
― Julie Kagawa, quote from Iron's Prophecy

“You're staring at me again," Ash murmured without turning his head, though one corner of his lips quirked up. His silver eyes danced mischievously. "Is it the uniform? Perhaps I should remove it it it's distracting."
"Behave, Ash." I wrinkled my nose at him, smiling.”
― Julie Kagawa, quote from Iron's Prophecy

“Sorry to wake you, but we have to be somewhere soon, remember?"
Ash grunted and, to my surprise, shifted to his back and put the pillow over his head. "I don't suppose I could convince you to go without me," he groaned, his voice muffled beneath the fabric. "Tell Mab I've been eaten by a manticore or something?”
― Julie Kagawa, quote from Iron's Prophecy

“How many Elysiums have you been to?"
"Three," I said immediately. "At least...this will be my third one."
"And how many Elysiums do you think I've been to?"
"Um. More than three?"
"I do appreciate your gift for the understatement.”
― Julie Kagawa, quote from Iron's Prophecy

“I'll be around, princess. If you ever need me , just send a note. Or a gremlin. Or whatever." Stepping back, he raised a hand to Ash, who nodded solemnly."Catch ya later, ice-boy. Maybe next time I see you , you'll be changing diapers and reading beadtime stories."he snickered and shook his head. "Ah, who would've thought you'd be the one tied down with a family, prince ? How the mighty have fallen.”
― Julie Kagawa, quote from Iron's Prophecy

“I'm sorry. But I am the Iron Queen, and you are in my way.”
― Julie Kagawa, quote from Iron's Prophecy

“This is real. This is what's important to me now. I'm not worried about the future, whatever it brings. I have all I need, right here.”
― Julie Kagawa, quote from Iron's Prophecy

“So, what's the big emergency, princess? You and ice-boy look fine to me, and the Nevernever isn't crumbling around us. What's going on?"
"I'm pregnant, Puck," I said quietly, and watched his eyebrows shoot into his hair. Briefly,I explained what had happened at Elysium, the oracle's mysterious appearance and invitation, and Grimalkin's instruction to meet him at the Wishing Tree. By the time I was done, Puck was still staring at me openmouthed, struck mute for maybe the second time in his life, and I would've laughed if the situation wasn't so serious.
"Oh," he finally managed. "That's, uh... Wow. That's not something you hear every day. Not exactly what I was expecting, though the entire prophecy thing does get old after a while." He shook himself, seeming to regain his composure, and glanced at Ash. "So, it's the ever so popular Firstborn Child of Doom prophecy, huh, ice-boy? How very cliche. Why can't it be the third nephew twice removed who's fated to destroy the world?”
― Julie Kagawa, quote from Iron's Prophecy

“So it's the ever popular Firstborn Child of Doom prophecy, huh, ice-boy? How very cliché. Why can't it ever be the third nephew twice removed who's fated to destroy the world?”
― Julie Kagawa, quote from Iron's Prophecy

“we missed you at the wedding," he said.

"Yeah." puck shrugged. "I was in Kyoto at the time, visiting some old kitsune friends. We were travelling up to Hokaido to check out this old temple that was supposedly haunted. Turns out, a yuki-onna had taken up residence there and had scared off most of the locals. She wasn't terribly happy to see us. Can you believe it?" He grinned. "Course, we, uh, might've pissed her off when the temple caught fire-you know how kitsune are. She chased us all the way to the coast, throwing icicles, causing blizzards...the old hag even tried to bury us under an avalanche. We almost died." He sighed dreamily and looked at Ash. "You should've been there ice-boy.”
― Julie Kagawa, quote from Iron's Prophecy

“Wandering back into the bedroom, my gaze immediately strayed to the large bed along the wall and the lump beneath the covers. Pale light streamed through the half-open curtains, settling around the still-sleeping form of a Winter sidhe. Or a former Winter sidhe. Pausing in the doorframe, I took advantage of the serene moment just to watch him, a tiny flutter going through my stomach. Sometimes, it was still hard to believe that he was here, that this wasn’t a dream or a mirage or a figment of my imagination. That he was mine forever: my husband, my knight.
My faery with a soul.

He lay on his stomach, arms beneath the pillow, breathing peacefully, his dark hair falling over his eyes. The covers had slipped off his lean, muscular shoulders, and the early morning rays caressed his pale skin. Normally, I didn’t get to watch him sleep; he was usually up before me, in the courtyard sparring with Glitch or just prowling the halls of the castle. In the early days of our marriage, especially, I’d wake up in the middle of the night to find him gone, the hyper-awareness of his warrior days making it impossible for him to stay in one place, even to sleep. He’d grown up in the Unseelie Court, where you had to watch your back every second of every day, and centuries of fey survival could not be forgotten so easily. That paranoia would never really fade, but he was gradually starting to relax now, to the point where sometimes, though not often, I would wake with him still beside me, his arm curled around my waist.

And given how rare it was, to see him truly unguarded and at ease, I hated to disturb him. But I walked across the room to the side of the bed and gently touched his shoulder.

He was awake in an instant, silver eyes cracking open to meet mine, never failing to take my breath away. “Hey,” I greeted, smiling. “Sorry to wake you, but we have to be somewhere soon, remember?”
― Julie Kagawa, quote from Iron's Prophecy

“I love it when you talk my language, ice-boy.”
― Julie Kagawa, quote from Iron's Prophecy

“Me? Robin Goodfellow, a family man? He, not likely, ice-boy. I mean, think of what that would do to my reputation." Glamour shimmered around him, and he gave us a wink. "Later, lovebirds. Gimme a heads up when the kid arrives. 'Uncle Puck' will be waiting.”
― Julie Kagawa, quote from Iron's Prophecy

“Ash pulled me closer, his eyes gentle as they gazed into mine. "Meghan, I'm going to tell you something someone once told me, when I was afraid of what was to come." He lowered his head, soft strands of his hair brushing my skin. "Nothing is certain," he murmured. "The future is constantly changing, and no one can predict what will happen next. We have the power to change our destiny, because fate is not set in stone, and we are always free to make a choice." His fingers came up to brush my hair back, tucking it behind one ear. "A very powerful seer told me that, once. And she was right. That's why I'm not afraid of the oracle's prophecy, or the future. We are only slaves to fate if we let it control us. There is always a choice.”
― Julie Kagawa, quote from Iron's Prophecy

“Ugh, my friend, you really need a breath mint,” I told him, sending a pulse of glamour into the brambly monster above me. “Let’s see what we can do about that doggie breath.”
― Julie Kagawa, quote from Iron's Prophecy

“Nothing is certain,” he murmured. “The future is constantly changing, and no one can predict what happens next. We have the power to change our destiny, because fate is not set in stone, and we are always free to make a choice.”
― Julie Kagawa, quote from Iron's Prophecy

“Somos esclavos sólo si dejamos que el destino nos controle. Siempre hay una
― Julie Kagawa, quote from Iron's Prophecy

“Well, that's just all kinds of creepy," Puck muttered at my side, giving the doll a look of alarm. "If you see any clowns, do me a favor and don't point them out, okay? i'd rather live without the nightmares."
I was about to snap at him for putting the thought of killer clown dolls in my head...”
― Julie Kagawa, quote from Iron's Prophecy

“Robin Goodfellow," I said, giving him a challenging smile, "don't tell me you're afraid."His green eyes flashed with a familiar defiance, and he stepped close taking my hand. "Not on your life princess," he returned, smirking. "Though don't think I don't know what you're doing. If we all end up as llamas, I'm going to spend the rest of my life following you around saying 'I told you so' in llama-ese.”
― Julie Kagawa, quote from Iron's Prophecy

“I am yours to command, my queen,” he whispered, making my heart clench in complete, helpless love. “I will obey, even if you order me to cut out my own heart. Even if you order me to the hell that is the Winter Court Elysium.”
― Julie Kagawa, quote from Iron's Prophecy

“My queen,” he breathed, one hand reaching up to frame my cheek, making my stomach jump and twirl. “I belong to you. No matter what Mab says, no matter how long I’ve been in Tir Na Nog, my life is yours. Nothing will ever make me leave your side.”
― Julie Kagawa, quote from Iron's Prophecy

“No hay nada seguro. El futuro está en constante cambio y nadie puede predecir lo que sucederá después. Nosotros tenemos el poder de cambiar nuestro destino, porque el destino no está tallado en piedra y siempre tenemos la libertad de hacer una elección(...) Somos esclavos sólo si dejamos que el destino nos controle. Siempre hay una elección.”
― Julie Kagawa, quote from Iron's Prophecy

“Aunque no creas que no sé lo que estás haciendo. Si todos terminamos como llamas, voy a pasar el resto de mi vida a tu alrededor diciendo: "Te lo dije” en el idioma de las llamas.”
― Julie Kagawa, quote from Iron's Prophecy

“Sabes que siempre estaré contigo, incluso si no puedes verme.”
― Julie Kagawa, quote from Iron's Prophecy

“Extraño a mi familia, pero mi casa es Mag Tuiredh, o donde sea que desees gobernar. Nunca jamás, el Reino de hierro, incluso el mundo de los mortales, no me importa. Meghan... —Se movió más cerca, cerrando la distancia
entre nosotros y una mano se elevó a acariciar mi mejilla—. Mi casa... está contigo.”
― Julie Kagawa, quote from Iron's Prophecy

“—Robin Goodfellow —le dije, dándole una retadora sonrisa—, no me digas que tienes miedo.

Sus ojos verdes brillaron con el desafío familiar y se acercó, tomando mi mano—. No en tu vida, princesa”
― Julie Kagawa, quote from Iron's Prophecy

“Ese es el peligro del exceso de conocimiento, humana —dijo Grimalkin en voz baja—. Conocer el futuro es demasiada carga para la mayoría de su clase. Sin embargo, una vez que poseen un poco de ese conocimiento, la pregunta es, ¿qué hacer con él?”
― Julie Kagawa, quote from Iron's Prophecy

“Ustedes los humanos son tan adeptos a afirmar lo obvio.”
― Julie Kagawa, quote from Iron's Prophecy

About the author

Julie Kagawa
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