Quotes from Forever Black

Sandi Lynn ·  278 pages

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“Because at some point you have to realize that some people can stay in your heart but not in your life and this is my way of keeping you in my heart.”
― Sandi Lynn, quote from Forever Black

“There's no limit to what I wouldn't do for you. Just ask and it will be done, no matter the sacrifice.”
― Sandi Lynn, quote from Forever Black

“Trust her; we girls are two sheets short of psycho when it comes to our special little time.”
― Sandi Lynn, quote from Forever Black

“Infinity is forever, and that is what you are to me, you are my forever Mr. Black.”
― Sandi Lynn, quote from Forever Black

“Well, a lot of people believe in the happily ever after and the fairytale relationships, let's not take that away from them.”
― Sandi Lynn, quote from Forever Black

“I could never understand my purpose in this world. I have had nothing but pain and loss my hole life. But now I know why god saved me the first time. It was so I could find you. Then he saved me the second time so I could love you forever. This house is perfect; you are perfect and no one will ever take that away from us. Our love is infinite and I’m going to spend the rest of my life showing you.”
― Sandi Lynn, quote from Forever Black

“I poured some coffee into a mug that read: “I’m not gay, but my ex-boyfriend is,” compliments of Peyton”
― Sandi Lynn, quote from Forever Black

“¨Infinity is forever, and that is what you are to me, youare my forever Mr. Black¨”
― Sandi Lynn, quote from Forever Black

“She’s the reason god saved me a third time.She’s our little miracle”
― Sandi Lynn, quote from Forever Black

“Memories are our way of holding onto the things we love, and I plan on making the most beautiful memories with you.”
― Sandi Lynn, quote from Forever Black

“Because at some point, you have to realize that some people can stay in your heart, but not in your life, and this is my way of keeping you in my heart.”
― Sandi Lynn, quote from Forever Black

“Suddenly, he got down on one knee and pulled a small velvet box from his pocket. The tears wouldn’t stop flowing down my face. “I want to be more than just your lover; I want to be your happily ever after, your best friend, your husband, and I want you for my wife. Will you marry me, Ellery Lane?” He opened the box and took out the most beautiful ring that I’ve ever seen.”
― Sandi Lynn, quote from Forever Black

“This was built for you because I love you. I want to give you every dream you’ve ever dreamed, every happy moment you never had, every bit of love you’ve ever lost, and most importantly, a family. This home, our home, is my future with you, and we’re going to spend the rest of our lives making beautiful memories here.”
― Sandi Lynn, quote from Forever Black

“So, did I harm you in any way last night?" I asked.

He looked at me and frowned. "No , in fact, you put your arms around me, started rubbbing my chest and calling me Peyton, I was quite turned on.”
― Sandi Lynn, quote from Forever Black

“Go grab one of those little baskets over there,” I said to Connor as I pointed by the door.

“You aren’t seriously buying that much, are you?”

“Ok Mr. Black, if you must know the truth, it’s my PMS time.”

He took a step back and put his hands up, “Whoa, enough said.”

I grinned as I picked up a bag of Fritos, Cheetos, a Hersey bar(king size), a Twix bar, a small pack of chocolate donuts, 3 cans of coke, a bag of tiny twist pretzels and a jar of Nutella. Connor looked in the basket and then at me with a horrified look on his face.

“Hey, you’re the one who wanted to take me on this road trip. I’m just trying to keep the peace because without these foods for a woman at that time of the month,” I waved my hand. “Well, you don’t really want to know.”

I put the basket on the counter. The cashier overheard our conversation, she looked at Connor and said, “Trust her; we girls are two sheets short of psycho when it comes to our special little time.”

He just stood there and looked at both of us, speechless, as she rang up the food. She gave me the total, and I looked at Connor.

He looked at me in confusion, “Really? You want me to pay for this crap?”

The cashier leaned over the counter and looked him straight in the eyes, “Remember, 2 sheets short of psycho.”

He pulled out his wallet and paid as he was mumbling under his breath. He took the bag and headed out. I looked at the cashier and high fived her, “Thank you.”
― Sandi Lynn, quote from Forever Black

“Remember the times when you made me eat things; the pizza, hot dog and let’s not forget the use of the chopsticks?”

I just stared at him. Two can play this game.

“Yes I do and I’m fine with everything you ordered.”

“We’ll see about that,” he smirked.

I leaned over the table, “You’re a vicious man Connor Black.”
― Sandi Lynn, quote from Forever Black

“He stared down at me with a strange look on his face and did something I never thought Connor Black would do. He laid down beside me and looked up at the sky. I looked over at him as he struggled to keep his eyes open as the rain pelted him in the face; a small smile crossed my lips.

“Why are you doing this?” he asked as he turned and looked at me.

“Cause I can lay here and no one will know I’m crying.”
― Sandi Lynn, quote from Forever Black

“The charity was for the Autism Speaks Foundation. It was to support the biomedical research for the causes and treatments of autism in both children and adults.”
― Sandi Lynn, quote from Forever Black

“We're you afraid I'd get mugged between my door and your car?" I smirked.

"Very funny Ellery," he said.”
― Sandi Lynn, quote from Forever Black

“Live a little Connor, life is too short," I said as i stared out into the moonlit water. He sighed and sat down next to me.

We sat in silence for a moment, and I was feeling somewhat emotional; I'm blaming the wine, when I started to speak.

"It was my sixteenth birthday when I was diagnosed with cancer." I felt him look at me as I just stared ahead listening to the whispers of the ocean. "Hey, happy sweet sixteen, guess what, you have cancer." I felt the tears starting to sting my eyes.”
― Sandi Lynn, quote from Forever Black

“OMG, I'm so sorry, do you want me to come over? You shouldnt be alone."

I'm fine, and I'm staying at Connors tonight, he was with me when I got the call."

"Seriously Elle? What the hell is going on between the two of you? Did you sleep with him?"

"No! We're just friends, and I'm staying in the guest room."

"Shut the f**k up and get into that mans bed, let him make you forget about everything bad, at least for tonight."

"LOL, good night Peyton, I'll keep in touch."

"Live Elle! Have you ever heard of friends with benefits? Nighty night...”
― Sandi Lynn, quote from Forever Black

“There are bagels over there, please have one."

"Thanks, but I'm not hungry."

He looked at me with his morning green eyes, "You have to eat Ellery."

I sighed, "I never eat when I first wake up, but don't worry dad I'll ahve one in a little bit."

A slight irritated smile graced his face, "You're even a smart ass first thing in the morning." I held up my cup and smiled.”
― Sandi Lynn, quote from Forever Black

“He gently wiped my tears and put his forehead on mine, “I’m an insensitive bastard.” He sounded wounded and broken. Those words were from pain, and I wanted to know what happened in his life to make him this way.

I put my hand on his firm chest, “You’re in luck; I am quite fond of insensitive bastards.”
― Sandi Lynn, quote from Forever Black

“The waitress came and set the calamari in the center of the table. I looked at it and then at Connor. I got out my phone and Googled calamari; my eyes widened as “squid” appeared. I looked up at Connor; he was laughing at me.

“You Googled it didn’t you?”
― Sandi Lynn, quote from Forever Black

“We drove till we found a hotel. We only passed a billion of them, but Mr. Fancy pants had to have the best, so we drove out-of-the-way to the Ritz Carlton.”
― Sandi Lynn, quote from Forever Black

About the author

Sandi Lynn
Born place: in The United States
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