Quotes from Crazy Little Thing

Tracy Brogan ·  341 pages

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“Apparently while I was reading
The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Dating, he’d read The Guide to Dating a Complete Idiot.”
― Tracy Brogan, quote from Crazy Little Thing

“Being surrounded by the people you loved is what made life... well, life.”
― Tracy Brogan, quote from Crazy Little Thing

“Panty Melter: an exceedingly rare species of man blessed with so many desirable attributes he effortlessly gains access into a girl's panties.”
― Tracy Brogan, quote from Crazy Little Thing

“Glasgow? Isn’t that in Sweden?” Dody was asking. He shook his head. “Scotland.” “Oh, yes, Scotland. Why, you must know Sean Connery then? He’s Scottish. Or is he German?” Des bit back a smile. “He is Scottish, but no, I never had the pleasure.” “Really? That’s surprising. Sweden is such a small country.” “Scotland.” “What? Oh, yes. Scotland. Why did you move from there, dear? Was it because of the potatoes?” She patted his hand sympathetically. “The potatoes?” “Potato famine was in Ireland, Mom,” Jasper said, banging the oven door shut. “In the 1840s,” I added, wanting to show off a little of my vast wealth of useless, esoteric facts.”
― Tracy Brogan, quote from Crazy Little Thing

“Without the despair of today we can’t experience the joy of tomorrow.”
― Tracy Brogan, quote from Crazy Little Thing

“Hating him had not come upon me all at once. It was gradual, creeping over me slowly, insidiously, like frostbite, until eventually I was frozen solid.”
― Tracy Brogan, quote from Crazy Little Thing

“You’ll find the balance you need as soon as you let go of how you think things should be and accept them as they are.”
― Tracy Brogan, quote from Crazy Little Thing

“That’s called style, girlfriend. It’s what sets us apart from the animals. And the rednecks.”
― Tracy Brogan, quote from Crazy Little Thing

“Ours was the kind of dinner conversation one might expect to find in an English-as-a-second-language course or in the babble of a Pentecostal church.”
― Tracy Brogan, quote from Crazy Little Thing

“The conversation blended into a sort of anecdotal jambalaya, with bits of our history woven in with pop culture trivia.”
― Tracy Brogan, quote from Crazy Little Thing

“Hello?” I tried to sound skinny.”
― Tracy Brogan, quote from Crazy Little Thing

“Talking to the sperm-donor-formerly-known-as-my-husband was just the garlic frosting I needed on this total piece of shit day.”
― Tracy Brogan, quote from Crazy Little Thing

“Love is a grave mental disease.” “Shakespeare?” Kyle shook his head. “Plato.”
― Tracy Brogan, quote from Crazy Little Thing

“popcorn, with Jordan fast on her heels. They sprinted into the dense growth of the overburdened flower beds and began running zigzag patterns around the sculptures. “Be careful in that mess of weeds!” I”
― Tracy Brogan, quote from Crazy Little Thing

“It’s just practical. People die every day, so none of us should waste one little minute. I, for one, am going to kick up my heels while I’ve got some kick left.”
― Tracy Brogan, quote from Crazy Little Thing

“si dejamos de reír, habrán ganado los terroristas.”
― Tracy Brogan, quote from Crazy Little Thing

“cuando la vida te da naranjas, hazte un zumo.”
― Tracy Brogan, quote from Crazy Little Thing

“you can’t fight against the universal balance. Without the despair of today we can’t experience the joy of tomorrow.”
― Tracy Brogan, quote from Crazy Little Thing

“He put me in charge of chopping vegetables. I considered cutting my finger so he’d have to hold my hand to examine it, but that seemed a little drastic. Maybe I could be captivating without resorting to self-mutilation.”
― Tracy Brogan, quote from Crazy Little Thing

“—El amor es una enfermedad mental grave. —¿Shakespeare?”
― Tracy Brogan, quote from Crazy Little Thing

“Too many rules about monogamy. So”
― Tracy Brogan, quote from Crazy Little Thing

“Life is to be embraced. It’s meant to be lived and enjoyed. Make your mistakes, but make them with gusto and learn from them. Some people will still let you down, like Richard. He’s the type with an itch that can’t be scratched. But I promise, if you start looking for the best in people, you’ll be very surprised at what you find.”
― Tracy Brogan, quote from Crazy Little Thing

“Life is to be embraced. It’s meant to be lived and enjoyed. Make your mistakes, but make them with gusto and learn from them.”
― Tracy Brogan, quote from Crazy Little Thing

“I felt like that kite. Hanging on by a slender thread, with no certainty or control over which direction life would turn me next.”
― Tracy Brogan, quote from Crazy Little Thing

“know), and the definition of words like reticule and pusillanimous. “My dad was in the military,” Des said, beginning to go with the flow of Dody’s random questioning.”
― Tracy Brogan, quote from Crazy Little Thing

“We can’t control events in our life, Sadie. Sometimes we can’t even control our reactions. But the harder we fight against the waves, the more exhausted we become. Control is an illusion, you know.”
― Tracy Brogan, quote from Crazy Little Thing

“Oh, no reason,” I said. “Where’s Jordan?” “He’s downstairs watching Fontaine do Yoda.” “What?” Please tell me she meant something else.”
― Tracy Brogan, quote from Crazy Little Thing

“You have much more than you realize. You’ll find the balance you need as soon as you let go of how you think things should be and accept them as they are. Watch for the big wave. It’ll push you in the direction of joy. You will be happy,”
― Tracy Brogan, quote from Crazy Little Thing

About the author

Tracy Brogan
Born place: Ada, The United States
See more on GoodReads

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